

FOLLOWING upon the reports that the complaints from sections of the general public against motor trials in certain areas might result in repressive legislative action against the sport, an

Association to protect the interests of the competitors in such events has been formed. At a meeting held at the Plough Hotel, Cheltenham, on February 27th, 1938, which was attended by about fifty prominent trials drivers, it was unanimously agreed to form a British Trials

Drivers’ Association. Some forty of those present immediately joined the Association as founder members. The objects of the Association may be briefly set out as follows :— To obtain the co-operation of all trials drivers in the country as one body ‘irrespective of the clubs to which they

may belong ; . To consider carefully the list of Fixtures with a view to reducing the number which members of the Association should support, and to issue a list of supported events which will embrace trials suitable to all types of trials drivers ; Not to promote any trials as an Association, but to assist the R.A.C. and the clubs in every possible way to ensure that trials are properly run ;

To encourage and to enforce a high standard of driving and conduct by members of the Association so that membership Of the Association will be of definite value in the eyes of the authorities.

In view of the necessity for very prompt action if the threatened ban on Reliability Trials is to be averted, it is felt that concerted action by trials drivers would be of considerable assistance and possibly more effective than any other way.

The R.A.C., who has officially recognised the B.T.D.A. as a properly constituted motoring body., has informed the Association that the Club considers that the new organisation would be of the greatest service at the present time when the’ Club is endeavouring to alleviate the troubles affecting the trials sport.

In addition to its work in connection with the betterment of trials, and the relations between competitors in events and the general public, the B.T.D.A.. intends to institute a ” Championship Star,” to be awarded on a points basis for the best aggregate performance in a season in the premier events in the country as listed by the Association.

It is also intended to examine the possibility of deciding who are qualified to be termed ” Experts” amongst the trials drivers of the present day.

At the same time it is strongly stressed that this Association is not intended to be a combine of expert drivers. On the other hand, it is hoped that it will appeal to all who take part in road trials, the merest novice as well as the most expert. For this reason the present qualification for membership is that an applicant must have taken part in at least one trial since January 1937. This may be subject to modification later. The following were selected at the inaugural meeting as a provisional Committee :—

J. M. Toulmin (Hon. Press Sec.), F. H. Whittingham, A. H. Langley, A. G. Imhof, E. J. Haesendonck, R. K. N. Clarkson, H. J. Ripley, J. A. Masters (Hon. Sec.).

The membership of the B.T.D.A. at the moment of writing has reached sixty. The subscription to the Association has been fixed at ten shillings, and Mr. J. A. Masters of Fulwood House, Fulwood Place, High Holborn, London, W.C.I, is acting as Hon. Secretary Of the Association,