

Sir, The Vintage Sports Car Club appreciate the references which you make to the Club in your magazine, but in your

January issue you publish, on page 17, information which is not absolutely correct. I refer particularly to the statement that “affiliation to the Vintage Sports Car Club proper costs 1/-.”

The true facts are these: Anyone joining the Vintage Sports Car Club, whether he lives in Lancashire, Cornwall or Kent, pays the same Subscription and becomes a full member of the Club. A Northern Sub-Committee has recently been formed to look after the interests of enthusiasts living in the North of England who, because they live 200 miles or so away, can seldom attend either the social or sporting activities held in the Southern counties. The Northern Sub-Committee in no way usurps the position of the Club Committee–it simply carries out work which, by virtue of its location, the Club’s main Committee

is not able to tackle. The Northern Sub-Committee has, for example, during the few months of its existence, organised the Club’s Matlock Trial, and been responsible for a number of incredibly merry gatherings at various licensed houses in Lancashire and Cheshire. All Club members receive the Bulletin (oft quoted in your paper), and in addition the Northern Sub-Committee publishes, spasmodically, under the title of ” Northern Notes,” a scandal sheet, telling of interesting happenings, personalities and motor cars in the North of England. As this is apart and distinct from the Club Bulletin, a few extra coppers are required to cover the costs of production and circulation, and this is where the 1/and 2/6 subscriptions which you mention come in. For 1/any member of the Club may obtain the ” Northern Notes” without pictures, and for an extra 1/6, making 2/0 in all, a handsome art plate of some interesting motor-car owned by a Northern Vintagient is included with each

issue. This subscription of 2 6 brings five or six copies of .” Northern Notes” per annum, and cannot be called expensive.

That is the full story. There is not a Northern and Southern Vintage Sports Car Club, nor are enthusiasts in the North required to pay an ” affiliation fee.”

Perhaps you will be good enough to publish this, in order to correct any misapprehension which may have arisen on the point. I am, Yours etc.,

KENNETH NEVE. Hon. Sec. to Northern Sub

Widnes. Committee.