

THE 23-LITRE NAP1ER-RAILTON RETURNS TO BROOKLANDS TO WIN BROADCAST TROPHY AND SET UP NEW RACE RECORD—BIMOTORE ALFA TAKES NEW MOUNTAIN LAP RECORD—SOME CLOSE STRUGGLES FOR SECOND PLACE. Sure sign that the winter months are over—Brooklands has re-opened, with all that that means to enthusiasts who feel the need of a taste of motor-sport at least once a week—for even on ” off ” days the Weybridge Track is the Mecca

of sporting motorists. An interesting programme was drawn up for Easter, comprising the usual long and short outer-circuit handicaps, the popular five lap Mountain handicaps, and a ten lap outer-circuit handicap for the B.B.C. Trophy and 1.00, the last-named race an attractive proposition in these days of all too few unusual duration, roundthe-outside events. The Bimotore AlfaRomeo was also to make its first bow to the public.

In practice on the Saturday Austin Dobson experimented over the Mountain circuit with the Bimotore, the Altas displayed surprising acceleration from the Fork turn, where Sammy Davis was casting an official eye, and E. W. W. Pacey had spots of bother with his Zollerblown 3-litre Pacey-Hassan-Special, which we fancied for the Broadcast Trophy Race. Nor was this the only excitement, for Frank Carr got into difficulties with the T.T. M.G. Magnette (once run in trials by K. B. Shaw) at the Members’ Mountain turn, the car hitting the bridge and rolling over to suffer considerable damage, though Carr got away with bruises and scratches. The Press camera men are truly worth their salt to daily paper editors, for Saturday evening papers showed the unfortunate Carr in the very act of unwittingly vacating his motorcar.

Monday dawned bright, even sunny, but very cold, and overcast later, notwithstanding which the Hill was nicely covered with sightseers, and the Paddock thronged. Some interesting cars were to be seen from the latter vantage point. There was the Bellevue Garage, tinblown M.G. Magnette single-seater, of square snout and tapering tail, the body of which is not, as some people imagine, that of an old Riley. H. J. Aldington’s spotless white 1,971 c.c. Frazer-NashB.M.W., with full equipment in place and smart disc wheels having a series of

tiny holes near the rims, was greatly admired, and R. S. Wilkins had a very business-like, black 2-litre Aston-Martin, the first 2-litre to run at Brooklands. R. L. Duller and the Duesenberg always strike us as a very fine combination and one productive of excitement. Parnell’s M.G. Magnette now has a beautifully polished aluminium body with bulbous nose and wheels to match, and a double o.h. camshaft head, and Mrs. HallSmith’s red Maserati, straight from Italy, vied with the Bimotore Alfa as the car of the moment, its engine dimensions actually being unquoted in the racecard, the first time this has happened, at all events for some years. And then there was John Cobb’s Napier-R ailt on, back at Brooklands after a year’s absence in search of long-distance world’s records, and attended by Ken Taylor and the T.T. mechanics. Outside Douglas Hawkes’s new premises stood the famous Miller-Derby and 14-litre Derby-Special F.W.D. cars, also Sir Malcolm Campbell’s 4-litre twelve-cylinder Sunbeam, both Hawkes and Campbell being present in person, so those who ” blued” 10/to enter the Paddock and mingle with the experts, had plenty to interest them. Apart from the racing-cars, some interesting ordinary motors were present, including the inevitable 30/98 Vauxhalls and old-school Bentleys, the 1914 racing Opel, the Hon. Peter Aitken’s V12 Packard roadster and Mervyn-White’s new F.W.D. Cord. There were also a chummy Austin Seven containing two girls and the inscription ” Alerced?.,sSupercharger ” on the back of its erect hood and a special Austin Seven with underslung frame and an engine taken from a Flying Flea. The officials’ cars included a Baby Fiat, a Frazer-NashB.M.W., an A.C., and a Railton, while A.P.B. was using a 20-25′ Rolls-Royce, and” Bira ” his Bentley saloon. Fashion writers should visit Brooklan& when they have exhausted Goodwood and Ascot. Apart from the feminine creations, some of the males would be of interest. Ma?or Gardner was looking like a Canadian trapper in a super check shirt, Pane had a wonderful new hat, Hanson favoured red overalls to match the Maserati and someone standing 6 ft. 3 in. came in a. big fur coat and a corded green ” chapeau” sporting an immense feather. Sports. coats and flannels are becoming out of

place at Weybridge. The daily pressmen were having a wonderful time inserting Australian soldiers into ‘Watson’s Bugatti and letting off expensive plates. at them, and the loud-speakers broadblast music from the stock of B.A.R.C. records which, someone remarked, as “What I’ll do floated across the sunlit concrete, might well be modernised. Miss Doreen Phipps was amongst the spectators, likewise Capt. Hornsted, whom so many people seem to have forgotten.

The first event was the First Easter Long Handicap. A. C. Kelway, a regular competitor with his unblown 14-litre Bugatti, which is painted a smarter blue than formerly, was passed after the first lap by Aldington’s Frazer-NashB.M.W., which showed vivid acceleration, vanquishing Wilkins’s 2-litre AstonMartin off the same mark. At the close of the second lap Aklington was some twenty-five yards ahead of the AstonMartin, with Baker-Carr’s sombre black 44s-litre Bentley lying third and MervynWhite’s ex-Howe 2.3-litre Bugatti moving up fast. On the final lap the Bugatti went ahead, winning from virtual scratch, the Pacey-Hassan-Special being a nonstarter, by 7 secs., at 121.4 m.p.h. Aidington was a good second, with the AstonMartin third. W. E. Humphrey’s M.G. Midget faded out during the contest. Next we had another outer-circuit race over the same distance, with Mervyn-White, already scratch, put back to owes 13 secs. with the victorious Bugatti. To pass the time for us before the start someone kindly dug a new Ford V8 into the loose sand where the Paddock car-park is being extended. All the family, armed with great planks, were attempting the sort of thing H.E. Symons sometimes does under more desperate and desolate conditions. To return to the race, Miss P. McOstrich was ” limit-man ” with a black 1 i-litre stripped sports Frazer-Nash and she

built up an immense lead to win by nearly 20 secs. at nearly 84+ m.p.h. Perhaps the handicappers wished her to have plenty of time to make herself presentable ere the Press camera-men descended.

The faster stuff came through towards the end, W. M. Couper’s well-known Talbot getting second place, with MervynWhite’s Bugatti a well deserved third.

After this we were treated to a Short Handicap. A Riley and a Frazer-Nash were non-starters, and Flemin.g’s M.G. and Harvey-Noble’s M.G. were soon sick, while Samuel’s Frazer-Nash seemed to lack some of its six cylinders. Tuson got his Fiat 13alilla away from D. M. Dent’s four cylinder Frazer-Nash at the start, when Ebby released them together, but Dent subsequently re-passed and led lap one with the Fiat tucked in behind. Powys-Lybbe was working up nicely in the 2.3-litre Alfa-Romeo, but MervynWhite, with the same Bugatti, passed him right on the big bump after the first lap. Billy Cotton’s M.G., though sounding unwell, took the lead on the last lap, and Tuson managed to pull out on the run in, but finished a length or so behind Dent. Cotton, whose M.G. is cared for by Bellevue Garage, won at 111.31 m.p.h. So to the first Mountain Handicap, of five laps. This race was a splendid victory for E. Gordon Brettell, secretary of the C.U.A.C., driving his funny-looking, little blown Austin Seven. Brettell got the lead in the first lap and drove really steadily to win easily at nearly 62 m.p.h. His Austin is largely composed of standard Austin components and his victory is a warm tribute both to Austin design and to the abilities of the Monaco Motor

and Eng. Co., Ltd., who built the car for Brettell. It was described and illustrated in last month’s issue of MOTOR SPORT. Wicksteed was another consistent runner with an overbored AstonMartin, which ” lit-up ” after finishing, but eventually Michael May and his veteran 2-litre Alvis came up into second place, with W. E. Wilkinson’s new M.G. third. Miss Stanley-Turner drove with fire but her M.G. was not fully on form, and she was in trouble over flag-signals, and J. P. Almack, as limit-man with an Austin Seven which had small cast

aluminium wheels and twin, curly exhausts, was actually lapped by the field and did his final circuit alone. His ex

planation was a short in a magneto control. We did not ask that of J. P. Almack, junx., who was also present. Brettell was warmly congratulated on his win, both before and after he had left his car, to do which the steering wheel has to be detached. The next Mountain Handicap was a victory for Roy Eccles and his supercharged Rapier-Special, at 69/ m.p.h., after leading from lap one. Ian Connell put his E.R.A. into second place on the third lap and held that place to the end, and ” Bira,” whose E.R.A. has

de Ram shock-absorbers front and rear, managed a close third place after some extremely fine work at the Fork hairpin on the second and third laps, when he was literally boxed in by other cars. The cars appeared to be held rather long on the line before being released, so that E. W. H. Dobson’s scratch 8-litre Maserati boiled badly and was run back from the line, finally to be restarted and run up practically as the flag fell. Hartwell’s M.G. Magnette had trouble at the line. There followed the 29 mile outer-circuit race for the Broadcast Trophy, which event was ” on-the-air ” the commentator being F. J. Findon. Major Gardner’s 1,087 c.c. ex-Horton M.G. was favourite, with John Cobb the man of the moment. Cobb, incidentally, wore overalls and shoes to match, a white linen helmet, ordinary skin gloves and a pair of very ordinary goggles with the safety-glass labels still stuck on the glasses. Two interesting cars—the Graham-Paige and Pacey-Hassan-Special, failed to run. The Napier-Railton had its massive bonnet shrouded over until just before it was pushed out of the Paddock. It ran with comparatively small Dunlop covers of the now well-known ” balloon ” section, of the same size front and back. The start of the race was delayed for a while because Mervyn-White’s Bugatti could not be made to function properly, until the trouble was traced to a detached plug lead. Cobb, of course, won the race, and won it at a higher average than any race has been won at Brooklands before —186.08 m.p.h. The previous fastest race was established by the same driver and car in 1934 at 131.53 m.p.h. The Napier-Railton was a truly magnificent sight flying round the track with very little noise and simply walking past the slower stuff. So steady was the car that Cobb is said to have raised one hand to his goggles while leaping from the big bump, and on one lap we saw him pull inside to pass the Bugatti at the Fork, after tailing it along the latter part of the Byfleet banking. Charles Follett held the lead for seven of the ten laps with the business-like 14-litre Alvis, until Hamilton’s Alfa-Romeo passed into the lead on lap eight. Cobb was second after half-distance and, easing up, caught the Alfa on the final lap, to win by 4* secs. Hamilton certainly deserved his second place. We have on previous occasions drawn attention to the extremely fine performance of this 2.3-litre Alfa-Romeo two-seater, particularly in the 500 Mile Race, and although as we close for press we have not seen the official lap times, we believe that Hamilton was lapping at well over 140 m.p.h. and showing no signs of distress. Mervyn-White, whose Bugatti-still the same car-started 24 secs. after the Alfa-Romeo, finished third. Its off-side rear tyre showed signs of the pace. R. L. Duller drove a nice race with the Duesenberg, likewise Lybbe with the Alfa, but Hanson was not finpressively fast with the hush-hush

Maserati. Major Gardner’s M.G. had trouble-which sounded like transmission trouble-on the eighth lap. Some of the cowling also seemed to be flapping in the breeze and Gardner looked a disappointed man as he drove straight back to R. R. Jackson’s premises.

To the Mountain circuit again, for the third Easter Mountain Handicap. Connell had the misfortune to stall his E.R.A. on the line, and Whitehead’s E.R.A. was mis-firing, its driver wearing only goggles by the way, scorning a helmet. W. Esplen’s white It-type M.G. Midget eventually won a close race from ” Bira’s “scratch E.R.A., with Whitehead a close third-an extremely exciting race with ” Bira ” an obvious favourite. In. the next, and final, race round the Mountain R. Hughes kept his beautifully turned-out 30/98 Vauxhall ahead for two laps, with Gordon Brettell and that ” Monaco ” Austin Seven on his tail, whereupon J. N. Innes (M.G.) who made a cornering mistake in his previous race, went through to lead the field home. Hughes was second, and Brettell third, but Lemon-Burton had very hard luck, as his blown eight-cylinder li-litre Bugatti experienced bad engine noises accompanied by loss of speed, just as it seemed to be going right into the lead at the beginning of the final lap. Charlie Martin had attended A. P. Watson


Apart from the improvements already mentioned, Brooklands is to have a new erection of pits for the new road-circuit. They will be of concrete, and serve also as a grandstand, the cost being in the neighbourhood of 9,000, and the design the finest for the purpose this country has ever seen. The road-circuit has progressed according to schedule in

(Bugatti) on the line, without bringing him luck, while Wilkinson was handling Cotton’s Riley, which snaked up the straight. May’s Alvis fell out, and Mrs. Roy Eccles (Rapier-Special) carried a heavy re-handicap.

After this Austin Dobson brought out the Alfa-Romeo Bimotore, which Querycoe had warmed to boiling point in the Paddock. Dobson finds it difficult to sit comfortably in the cockpit and he had discovered a weakness in the brakes during practice, so that in spite of rapid cornering at the Members’ turn, he was obliged to cut out very early for the Fork hairpin. Nevertheless, he clocked a lap-by the new light-beam timing apparatus-at 54.15 secs., or 77.75 m.p.h., which represents a new Class B lap record, beating by 3.86 m.p.h. Sir Malcolm Campbell’s time with the Mercedes-Benz which had stood since 1931. The manner in which the Bimotore accelerates is no less impressive than the way in which it starts with one pull-up on the handle. It seems likely to be unsuited to the Mountain circuit, it is probably too light to hold at laprecord pace round the outside, and it will surely be a handful on our little road circuits, but it is a beautiful possession. In this lappery round the Mountain one could fully appreciate its beautiful balance and clean pick-up and the tyres did not appear to suffer. Indeed, the only thing which broke was a silencer tail-pipe and we believe that these were about the only parts not made in Italy. Amazing rumours floated round while Dobson demonstrated, to the effect that certain bits are still sealed, that Italian mechanics will come over to service it, that it is only loaned to its present driver, that Dobson wants new silencers that will comply with the regulations but make more noise . . . We wonder . . .!

So ended quite a good meeting, though the handicapping of race-winners was perhaps below par, and we should like to see even more new cars in action. The baulking difficulty did not seem to crop up, perhaps because in the Broadcast Trophy the field was small. The big bump seems no worse than in past years. The loud-speakers by the Fork stand need synchronising and we hope the new owners will not plaver the scenery within the Estate with advertising. And we should like to know why Brackenbury, Charles Dodson and Dunham did not run in the Broadcast Trophy Race. But thank goodness Brooklands is active again.


First Easter Long Handicap (about 9 miles), 1, C. Mervyn-White (2,2(13 c.c. Bugatt I, S.), scratch,

121.4 m.p.h. by 7s. ; 2, H. Aldington (1,971 c.c. Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.), un. 5s. ; 3, R. S. Wilkins (1,948 c.c. Aston-Martin), irn. s.

spite of set-backs, and a lap speed of around 90 m.p.h. is expected, in which case it will constitute a very severe proving-ground, and be most interesting to spectators. The B.M.C.R.C. is now under B.A.R.C. control and motorcycle races will be run over the roadcourse. Extensive improvements to the Paddock club-houses will begin later in the year. Up at Donington a new entrance has been. constructed on the Ashby-Notting

Also started : W. E. Humphreys (747 c.c. M.G. S.), 26s. ; C. T. Baker-Carr (4,487 c.c. Bentley), _36s. ; 3. Ashmore (747 c.c. M.G., S.), 438. ; A. P. Watson (1,496 c.c. Bugatti, S.), 46s. ; A. C. Kelway (1,496 c.c. Bugatti), lm. 15s.

Second Long Handicap (about 9 miles) •. 1, Miss P. McOstrich (1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash), 2m. OB., 84.23 m.p.h., won by 19ts. •, 2, W. M. Couper (2,377 c.c. B Talbot), 10s. ; 3, C. Mervyn-White (2,203 c.c. ugatti, S.), owed 7s.

Also started • G. P. Harvey-Noble (747 c.c. M.G.

S.), 35s. ; Asitraore (747 c.c. M.G. S.), 35s. • It. S. Wilkins (1,947 c.c. Aston-Martin), 57s. ; M. ‘Collier (1,495 c.c. Aston-Martin) lm. 8s. ; 3. 0. C. Samuel (1,657 c.c. Frazer-Nash), im. 14s.

Easter Short Handicap (about 9 miles) : 1, Billy Cotton (1,087 c.c. M.G., S.), 14s., 111.31 m.p.h., by 8s. ; 2, D. M. Dent (1,496 e.e. Frazer-Nash) 1m. 20s.; 3, V. H. Tuson (995 c.c. Fiat), 1m. 20s.

Also started : C. Mervyn-White (2,263 c.c. Bugatti, S.), owed 10s. ; A. Powys-Lybbe (2,364 c.c. AlfaRomeo. S.), scratch •, W. E. Humphreys (747 c.c. M.G., 8.), 1 ‘ Is. • Cecil Tennant (4,487 c.c. Bentley), 20s. ; J. Ashmore (747 ex, M.G., S.) 24s.„. G. P. Harvey-Noble (747 c.c. M.G., S.), 24s. ; C. Fleming

747 c.c. M.G., 8.), 358. ; 0. C. Samuel (1,657 c.o. Frazer-Nash), 538.

First Easter Mountain Handicap (about 6 miles): 1, B. G. Brettell (747 c.c. Austin, 8.), 538., 61.9 m.p.h., by 178. ; 2, M. W. B. May (1,991 c.c. Alvis), 278. ; 3, W. E. Wilkinson (1,087 c.c. M.G.), 18s.

Also started : F. It. Gerard (1,496 c.c. Riley) scratch ,• Miss D. Stanley-Turner (747 c.c. M.G S.), 14s. ; H. J. Aldington (1,971 c.c. Frazer-NashB.M.W.), 18s. ; J. N. limes (1,087 M.G., S.), 24s.; It. Hughes (4,366 c.c. Vauxhall), 31s. ; C. II. Masters (995 c.c. Flat), 39s. ; J. O. C. Samuel (1,657 c.c. Frazer-Nash), 398. ; A. C. Kelway (1,496 c.c. Bugatti), 39s. ; I. F. Peters (1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash), 39s.; A. M. Wicksteed (1,556 c.c. Aston-Martin), 49s.; Miss P. McOstrich (1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash), 44s.; J. P. Altnack (747 c.c. Austin, S.), 59s.

Second Easter Mountain Handicap (about 6 miles) : 1, R. H. Eccles (1,084 c.c. Rapier Special, S.), 24s.; 69.74 m.p.h., by 3s. ; 2, I. F. Connell (1,486 c.c. BALA.), 68. ; 3, “B. 13ira ” (1,486 c.c. E.R.A.), 3s.

Also started : E. W. H. Dobson (2,992 c.c. Maserati, S.), senitch ; R. Hanson (1,496 c.c. Maserati, 8.), 3s. ; P. F. Jucker (1,907 c.c. Alta, S.), Os. • P. N. Whitehead (1,486 c.c. E.R.A., S.), 68. ; J. H. Bartlett (1,496 c.c. Alta, S.), 118. • It. Parnell (1,087 c.c. M.G., S.), 1.1s. ; Billy Cotton (1,486 e.e. Riley), 14s. ,• A. Leitch (2,263 c.c. Bugatti, 8.), 14s. ; G. It. Hartwell (1,287 c.c. M.G.. 8.), 20s. ; F. Ashmore (747 cX. M.G., S.), 248.; W. Esplen (747 c.c. M.G., S.), 27s. Race for the Broadcast Trophy (Handicap) (about 29 miles) :1, John Cobb (22,970 ex. Napier-Railton),

scratch, 136.03 m.p.h., by ; 2, A. P. Hamilton (2,384 ex. Alfa-Romtso, S.), 1m. Ss. ; 3, C. MervynWhite (2,263 c.c. Bugatti, S.), 448.

Also started : It. L. Duller (4,376 c.c. Duesenberg), 33s.; It. Hansen (1,406 c.c. Maserati, S.), 53s.; A. Powys-Lybbe (2,384 c.c. Alfa-Romeo, 8.), 1 ni. 8s. ; Major A. T. G. Gardner (1,087 c.c. M.G., 8.), lm. 28s.; W. M. Couper (3,377 Talbot), lm. 35s. ; C. T. BakerCarr (4,487 c.c. Bentley) 21n. 22g.; Charles Follett (1,490 ex. Alvis), 4m. 24s. Third Easter Mountain Handicap (about 6 miles) : 1, W. Esplen (7-17 (..e. M.G., S.), 24s. ; 69.74 m.p.h., by lis. ; 2, ” Ilira ” (1,486 e.e. E.R.A., s.), scratch ; 3, P. N. kV hitchead (1,486 c.c. E.R.A.), 3s. Also started : 1. F. Connell (1,486 c.c. E.R.A., S.), 3s. ; J. H. Bartlett (1,496 c.c. Alta, S.), Ss. ;

R. Parnell (1,087 ex. M.G., S.), Ss.; K. Gammon (1,808 c.c. Riley), 8s. F. It. Gerard (1,490 c.c. Riley), 13s. ; Hon. P. Aitken (1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash, S.). 17s. ; .T. Wilson (747 c.c. M.G., S.), 21s.

Fourth Easter Mountain Handicap (about 6 miles) : 1, J. N. limes (1,087 e,e. M.G., S.) ; 29s., 66.65 m.p.h., by Os. ; 2. R. Hughes (4,366 ex. Vauxhall) 36s. ; 3, E. G. Brettell (747 c.c. Austin, S.), 32s. Also started : K. Gammon (1,808 c.c. Riley), scratch ; Billy Cotton (1,486 c.c. Riley), 3s.,• J. IxmonBurton (1,493 c.c. Bugatti, S.), 14s.; Mrs. It. H. Eccles (1,084 c.c. Rallton-Special, S.), 148.; Miss D. Stanley-Turner (747 c.c. M.G., S.), 20s.;

S. Mond (1,496 c.c. Bugatti, S.), 20s.; E. Raymond() (1,496 c..c. Bugatti S.), 20s,; M. W. B. May (1,991 e.c. Alvis) 32s.

ham road, with additional parking fields at this part of the grounds. Surfaced roads are now provided round the entire outside of the circuit, along which cars may be driven to the various vantage points, while the refreshment tents have been replaced by permanent buildings. Other new entrances, new stands and additional car parks are being built. An earth bank has been built on the inside of the course at Coppice Wood to prevent cars crashing into the culvert.