Blondes and Brunettes


Blondes and Brunettes “

” Her imagination puts her in sympathy with the engine under her control. Her courage carries her over difficulties —her patience enables her to give wholehearted attention to the dull routine such as greasing and oiling, and the many minor adjustments to keep her car at concert pitch. Her intuition tells her just when and how she may with safety press the machine for that last ounce which gives the judge’s decision in her favour. It s heavy stuff this speed game, and the fact that 80 h.p., or it may be more, is hers to control is apt to warp her judgment, but the fact that one mistake and that power will turn and rend her is rare spice. Woman was ever a gambler.” Extract from an article in a contemporary. No wonder the B.A.R.C. allows woman to compete at Brooklands on equality with mere man

Amicably Settled, More or Less

The bother over fixing the fixtures, referred to last month, seems to have cleared itself up. Cancellation of the I.M.R.C. Limerick Race leaves August Bank Holiday nice and clear for the J.C.C. International Trophy Race at Brooklands, and we believe that the clash between the R.A.C. Isle of Man Race and Shelsley Walsh has been partially eased by the appointment of a special boat by which cars and crews can dash back from the I.O.M. to our foremast speed hill-climb