

R. A. Waddy is carefully going over Fuzzi 9, replacing the wire and nails with light alloy parts. Dunlop racing wheels are now fitted, with H.R.G. brake assemblies, the Ferodo linings for which differ front and rear and have been most carefully chosen. Watch Waddy at Lewes this season !

J. A. Grant, whose Bentley service depot on new premises at Balham Hill is well known, was formerly associated with the racing Lanchesters in the old Brooklands days and he spent several years with Bentley Motors Ltd., going to Le Mans with the Bentley team. Later he was with Windrum and Garstin Ltd., the well established Kensington Bentley people. Incidentally, Mrs. Garstin expects to drive a 3.3 Bugatti in competition this season.

Advance details of Freddie Dixon’s 350 m.p.h. car have been released. It will have a centrally mounted, Dixon-designed engine and drive to all four wheels. Dixon is concentrating also on sports and racing Rileys, with Charlie Dodson as a driver-partner.

Bira’s new Delage cars make their bow in the Turin Race (April 18th) and Campbell Trophy Race, Brooklands (May 1st), if all goes according to plan.

Granville Grenfell contemplates putting a StrakerSquire Six o.h.c. engine into a chassis for Shelsley this year. He made the Brooklands exhaust system for the Bitnotore Alfa-Romeo.

Marcus Chambers is busy re-storing for his own use one of the Double-Twelve 4i-litre Bentley four-seaters. And he is said to have an intriguing veteran ” up his sleeve “— almost literally !

H. E. Symons has successfully concluded yet another trans-Sahara expedition—this time with a Phantom III Rolls-Royce. Will his story appear in the RollsRoyce Bulletin ?

Writing in the ” J.C.C. Gazette” Edgar N. Duffield urges that future R.A.C. Rallies be held between May 1st and October 31st.

The Bianchi S.9 1i-litre model is now well represented in this country.

Did you know that R. L. Walkerley, now “Grand Vitesse,” of “The Motor,” was Assistant Editor of MOTOR SPORT nine years ago ?

It is stated in” Speed,” official organ of the B.R.D.C., that the 500-Mile Race at Brooklands will be run again this year.

As a result of his letter relating to a cheap centrifugal supercharger, published in MOTOR SPORT last month, Mr. W. F. Halliwell has had an astonishing number of enquiries forwarded to him.