
PERFECT GRIP on all surfaces!

Examine the Dunlop Sports Tyre. A glance takes in its herculean build, its broad-shouldered strength, its massive walls, its deep-cut tread. But look closer. See the cunning of that tread-design, its cog-wheel character, made like titanic teeth of tough rubber to put a bull-dog grip on the worst surface conceivable,

grease or gravel. With such a tread, side-slips and skids are equally forestalled. Built by Dunlop for the sporting motorist.


4.50 7 6.00 19 4.50 8 6.00 20 4.50 9 4.75 8 EXTRA LOW 4.75 9 PRESSURE 5 .00 9 5.25 16 5.25 7 5.50 16 5.25 5.25 8 9 6.00 16 5.50 7 6.25 16 5.50 9 6.50 16

DUNLOP Sports Car Tyres

The Dunlop Sports Tyre specially designed for reli;,.bility trials and hill climbs, is not recommended for normal motoring conditions.

DUNLOP RUBBER COMPANY LIMITED, Fort Dunlop, Birmingham. Branches throughout the World. 7H/127

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