
Country dwellers with sports or racing motor-cars are often at a loss to know where to have their precious 47ehicles tuned and cared for, since establishments catering in this class of work are rare outside Brooklands and the London area, but sporting enthusiasts living to the north of London are now well provided for at the Monaco Garage at Watford. A great gathering of motor sportsmen came together there last month for the official opening, and approved both the modern handsome exterior and the staff and the equipment which do the work. Ian Connell, well known at Brooklands and Le Mans and lately seen at the

wheel of a T.T. M.G., looks after the Sales side, and as is only appropriate the Monaco Garage is agent for M.G., Triumph, Standard and Morris cars in the Watford and St. Albans district. Monkhouse, his partner, is in charge of the well-equipped workshops. Apart from the usual lathes, presses and a milling machine, which is invaluable for truing-up cylinder heads and raising the compression ratio, we admired the special appliance for truing-up connecting rods, a bunch of special grinding machines, vale refacers, and a portable tool driven by compressed air into which small grinding wheels and polish

ing mops could be fitted for smoothing out induction pipes and the like. A travelling crane spans the workshop and simplifies removing from the chassis engines, gear-boxes and other bulky and weighty components. Tuning and overhauling sports cars is, of course, the principal activity of this new concern, while there is a growing business in installing Marshall superchargers. A battery of petrol pumps installed under cover and a spacious showroom complete the sales sidz of th,-. establishment, which is a spotless and striking oasis in the otherwise rather depressing line of Watford High Street,