

Very interesting is the new fourcylinder Morgan four-wheeler, which the Morgan Motor Co., Ltd., of Malvern Link, Worcs., has put into production. This new small sports chassis bristles with interesting features. In the first place, the front wheels are sprung independently On the helical-spring system familiar to everyone who has examined a Morgan tri-car—and who has not! The frame is of very sturdy design and the rear axle is carried on half-elliptic springs and underslung. A 1,122 c.c. Coventry-Climax engine is fitted, which has o.h. inlet and side exhaust valves, and develops 34 b.h.p. at 4,500 r.p.m. The gear-box is separate, and has four forward speeds, with synchro-mesh change for third and top ratios, the latter being 5 to 1. A Borg and Beck clutch is used and transmission is by open Hardy-Spicer shaft to a spiral-bevel rear axle. The wheels are of pressed-steel disc type, and a refinement is the use of Girling brakes in 8 in.-diameter drums. Dunlop 5 in. by 16 in. low-pressure tyres are fitted. The rear fuel tank carries nine gallons,

and with empty tanks the Morgan 4-4 weighs only 11 cwt., which promises an excellent performance. It would seem a very good car for competition work, and we look forward to reporting favourably on its performances in this category as the season progresses. The tax is £7 10s., and the price, with a wellplanned two-seater sports body is £180, which seems excellent value. It will be recalled that the first example went through the London-Exeter Trial in Mr. H. F. S. Morgan’s care, and easily gained a Premier Award.