

Dick Slabber, vice-chairman of the Metropolitan M.G. and C.C., is endeavouring to organise a Grand Prix race at Cape Town, over a circuit on Green Point Common, which was approved by Earl Howe during his visit to the country for the South African Grand Prix. The circuit on Green Point Common has a lap of 21 miles with many exciting corners, including a 90 degrees turn out of Beach Road into the Viel road across the Common, and other difficult corners by Three Anchor Bay and at Portsmouth Road, opposite The Green Point Cycle Track. It is estimated that this circuit would be safe for 150 m.p.h. cars, and it is suggested that the race be run over sixty laps, making a total distance of 150 miles. A new by-pass road will be needed to complete the proposed circuit, but this work the City Council is believed to have in hand. There is a hospital near by, but not near enough for those already using it to be in convenienced by the race. The circuit is placed so that it would be very easy to isolate it on the day of the race, yet it is so easy of access from Cape Town that 100,000 people might well go to spectate. And as the Cape Argus News so sagely remarks, ” Such an event would be worth hundreds of thousands of pounds to Cape Town as a whole, for holiday makers must spend money, and everybody, from hoteliers to garage proprietors, would benefit.” We agree, for we always have held the view that

money follows the motor-race. The R.A.C. of South Africa has put its offices at the disposal of the organising club, and a search is now said to be in progress for a ” Bishop ” for Cape Town—a man of leisure, influence and enthusiasm to lead the organising committee.