
l’AC;E” Varsities at Syston Park, The 232 De-Ram Shock Absorber, The 235 Rumblings 237 Triumph Vit6;stt Six, The 241 An Unique Souvcnir 243 Letters from Readers 245 A Blown 30-98 Vauxhall 246 A Day of Fast Motoring 247 De Normanyille Safety Gear Box 249 What Happened at Pau 250 Rallying Round at Brooklands 254 Continental Notes 257

It’s good to be at Brooklands again… 263

News from the U.S.A. … 267 Club News 268 Three New Italian Road Circuits 270 Sir Malcolm Campbell’s New Record 271

Special 614itre Bentley-, A … •.. 273

What do you know about Cars ? 275