

MOTOR sports-car owners will agree that the value of a really efficient lock lies not so much in foiling fe thief as in preventing the car from being moved about under its own power in a garage or park. Sports cars often require a little skill in starting, and this only causes the meddlesome garage-hand to press the starter-button until the battery ianearly exhausted. It is not infrequently found that the coil is burnt out through the ignition being left switched on after the car has been moved. When the engine is at last started it is often ” revved ” up unmercifully, thereby negativing all the careful warming up of an intelligent owner. One of the best locking devices we have ever inspected is the ” Featherstone ” Automatic Petrol-Ignition Lock. The first unique advantage possessed by the

” Featherstone ” is that the simple action of switching off the engine by means of a normal lever automatically locks the ignition and petrol. The key is only used to switch-on, not to lock the switch off, as is generally the case, when one often forgets to use it. Thus it is impossible to leave the car unprotected against unauthorised use, or theft.

To restart the car a Yale key is inserted in the lock, and a quarter turn brings back the switch-lever to the ” on” position. The red warning light on the dashboard is operated by the lock, and two keys are provided.

The instrument is an attractive piece of work, and would be an ornament to the dashboard of any car. We inspected a dismantled model, and found that a very high standard of workmanship had been used throughout its construction.

We understand that the ” Featherstone” lock has been thoroughly tested on different makes of cars during the past six months, with complete reliability and efficiency.

A useful arrangement has been made with the Yale and Towne Manufacturing Company to supply door-locks for saloon cars, which can be locked and unlocked by the same Yale key supplied with the Featherstone lock, for use on those occasions when luggage or parcels are left in the car, All the locks, of course, have different keys.

‘rue Featherstone Automatic PetrolIgnition lock can easily be fitted to any make of car, and sells ready for fitting at the low price of £1 17s. 6d. It is. manufactured by Messrs. Allen, Rae & Co. Ltd., Thames House; Millbank, London,. S. W.1.