

THE Women’s Automobile and Sports Association has the reputation of running really well organized trials. Their ” Day in the Hills” was a particularly severe test of organizing. prowess, for in addition to the reliability trial there was a speed trial afterwards in the grounds of the Howard Park Hotel, Tring. Four other clubs had been invited, and there were sixty-six entrants, but the Secretary, Mrs. Gould, planned everything so thoroughly that the whole programme was carried out to schedule. The invited clubs were the Cambridge University, the North West London, the

Mid-Surrey and the Great West Motor Clubs-truly a worthy opposition for the ladies to contend with. Marlow Bottom was the first hill to be encountered after leaving the Crown Hotel, Marlow, and proved an early dis appointment for five competitors, among them being G. May (Alvis) and Miss

Astbury (Singer), Lady Iris Capell (Talbot), R. G. Day (Talbot ” 8 “) and D. F. Durward (Austin 10). The well-known ” Chilterns ” High Rure and Shillingridge Wood followed, but the dry weather removed their power to stop all but a few of the competitors. Then came a ” stop and restart” on the lane to Downley hill, where C. G. Fitt (M.G. Midget) made fastest time. Only 20 of the 66 drivers failed to cover the requisite distance in 6 seconds, but 8 managed to beat 5 seconds. There were Fitt, Richardson (Singer), Miss Watson

(M.G.), E. A. Dicks (Morris Minor), Macdermid (M.G.) and Spikins (Singer).

The next hill, Crowell, should have been the piece de resistance of the whole trial, but conditions failed to approach anything like those obtaining during the 1932 Inter Varsity of ill remembrance. In an attempt to enliven matters the cars were started half way up, but even this expedient only caused Lady Iris Capell (Talbot 75), the two old. Talbot Eights driven by Hardy and Day, and Stewart (Lancia) to fail. Honours for the fastest ascents probably fell to Miss Doreen Evans, (M.G. Midget), Mrs. Gripper (Frazer Nash) and W. B. M. Fraser (M.G. Magna).

After signing off at the Howard Park Hotel, the speed trial over a course of 400 yards was held, Messrs. L. G. Bachelier and Lionel Martin keeping a steady string of cars speeding along the drive in batches of a dozen. In view of the large number of M.G.’s and Singers present there was considerable rivalry for fastest time in the 1,100 c.c. category.

In spite of only having 850 c.c. at her disposal, Miss Evans proved her ability as a driver by heading the M.G. contingent, but her best time of 21.81 secs. just failed to beat the Singer leader, F. R. G. Spikins, whose time was 21.37 secs. As it turned out these speeds were practically as fast as those made by the unlimited contingent, but Mrs. Gripper just managed to beat the Singer and M.G. by a fine run in 21 seconds dead. Thus the W. A. provided the winner of the

speed trial, an event of great satisfaction to all members, and a complete disproval af any lingering doubts (if any) of the ability of the fair sex in motoring competitions.

Other good times were those of Mrs. Needham (Frazer Nash) in 22.2 secs., and Mrs Gardner on a similar car with a time of 22.4 sees. A sporting gesture on the part of the Club was to give the trials observers a run up the course, and in this class E. Urlwin-Smith made fastest time of the day with his Invicta with a time of 19.8 secs.

SPEED TEST RESULTS. Over 1,000 c.c.-Trophy presented by “The

Over 1,000 c.c.-Trophy presented by “The Daily Sketch” : Mrs. Gripper (Frazer Nash), 21 sec.

Under 1,100 c.c.-Trophy presented by “The Autocar ” : F. R. G. Spikins (Singer), 21.37 sec.

Observers.-Tankard presented by Brian Twist, Esq. : E. lTrlwin-Smith (lnvieta), 19.8 sec.


.E. A . Dicks, Miss J. de Mattos, J. G. C. Bond, W. E. C. Greenleaf, H. G. Croxford (Morris Minors), Miss D . B. M. 17;vans, J. L. Fraser, C. G. Fitt., S. Townsend, Miss E. V. Watson, R. A. Macdertnid (M.G. Midgets), W. B. M. Fraser, It. G. ‘Alta-Min, Miss H. Astbury, E. G. S. Cot* (M.G. Magnas), Miss D. L. Bean, A. T. K. Debenham, F. R. G. Spikins, F. A. Thatcher, R. L. Appleton C. V. Wells, Miss P. D. GoOdban, W. J. B. Richardson, Miss M. Webb, Mrs. C. G. Scudamore (Singers), L. Audigier, Mrs. McKenzie, T. A. Law, Miss I,. Hobbs (Files). Miss 13. Daniell, Miss M. Allan,

H. M. L. (Wolseley Hornets), Mrs. R. J Gardner, Mrs, A. Needham, Mrs. A. Gripper (Frazer Nashes), M. W. 13. May (Alvis), C. Mann (Vale Special), G. T. Dicks (Morgan), U. Osborne (Triumph), L. F. Connell ( Ballot),H. U. Conway (Austin), Mrs. Vaughan (Standard), C. G. H. Dunham (Hillman Minx), R. Yager. (Talbot) ,T. A. Frazer ( A milcar) , Miss B. Marshall (G.N.).