A Pocket Fixture List.


A Pocket Fixture List.

ALITTLE booklet which every reader of MOTOR SPORT would like to have has just been produced by the well known manufacturers of ” Brooklands ” equipment, Messrs. Frank Ashby & Sons Ltd., Stirchley, Birmingham. The booklet is of a cOnvenient size to fit into a waistcoat pocket, and contains 20 pages strongly bound with a thick art board cover. Its contents include a 12 months calendar’; an International Fixture List giving dates, descriptions and venues of over 170 motoring events, including races, hill-climbs, speed trials and reliability trials ; a table showing the first three finishers and average speeds for every important 1933 race on road and track, with a space under each for owners of the Booklet to insert the results and speeds of the corresponding 1934 events ; a list of all drivers who have lapped

Brooklands at over 120 m.p.h. ; a selection of important speed records and some useful data relating to racing cars. In fact this little booklet is just the

thing everyone needs for reference purposes, and readers of Mosant SPoRr can obtain a copy by sending 3d. in stamps to Messrs. Frank Ashby & Sons Ltd., Stirchley, Birmingham.

Are yourBrakes Efficient ?

THERE is no doubt that many accidents could be avoided if the brakes of the cars concerned were working at anything like their utmost efficiency. There are two factors to be considered in ensuring that brakes can be depended upon in an emergency ; by using linings of guaranteed quality, and by correct adjustment. The first is easy to accomplish, for by specifying Ferodo brake linings when their brakes are relined motorists can now obtain the Fero-do 3 point Guarantee, which gives them the following advantages: (1) That their brakes have this day been fitted with Ferodo brake lining, manufactured by Ferodo Ltd., Chapel en le Frith, (2) That the correct type of Ferodo lining has been fitted, and (3) That the holder, on quoting the serial number may obtain from the Ferodo

Company any advice he may require regarding his brakes.

The second necessity is correct adjustment. For checking the accuracy with which brakes have been adjusted the Ferodo braking chart ” How Quickly Can You Pull lip ? ” will be found most useful. Varying degrees of brake efficiency are shown on a large chart, which can be obtained by MOTOR SPORT readers post free from Messrs. Ferodo, Sovereign Mills, Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire.

Speedometer Service.

IN order to provide service facilities for owners of Jaeger Speedometers all over the country, the British Jaeger Instruments Ltd. have arranged with Messrs. S. Smith & Sons (M.A.) Ltd. to make use of the latter company’s depots.

Accordingly J aeger Speedometer Service is now available at the following addresses of Messrs. S. Smith & Sons Ltd. : 26-23, Cox Street, Livery Street, Birmingham ; 14a, J ackson’s Row, Deansgate, Manchester ; and 21, Drury Street, Glasgow.