

FOR the first time the Colmore Trophy Trial this year was run as a completely separate event from the Colmore Cup Trial for motor-cycles. The start took place at the foot of Gypsy Lane—another novelty—and most of the competitors from London and the South spent the preceding night at Broadway, in reaching which they had to traverse fog-bound roads over the whole distance. The deep ruts of the hill caused a good many failures, mostly among low sports cars with a small ground clearance. Although not actually stopping, many cars received a severe buffeting, and the hill resounded with the crashing of undershields, exhaust pipes and battery boxes against the unyielding ground. The fastest climbs seemed to be made by Henry Laird (McEvoy Hornet) and

C. A. H. Cann (M.G. Magna).

An unusual test was held on the first section of Mile Lane. Starting on a line, competitors had to stop within an area marked by posts, and then, on being signalled by lights, had to accelerate for a certain distance in the time of 7 seconds. This little task was a good deal more di4cult than the bare description sounds, and a number of people failed, either through wheelspin or excitement or both. The neatest performance was that of W. Porter (Singer), who recorded 4 5„’3 secs. The second part of the hill was also troublesome, but most people coped with it satisfactorily. On Old Stanway, the organisers arranged a sort of double acceleration and braking test. As is usual in trials nowadays Singers and M.G.’s fought for the honour of fastest time, and on this occa

sion the prize was divided between A. H. Langley (Singer) and C. A. H. Cann (M.G. Magna).

Kineton was inoffensive, but the timed test on Stancombe, in the middle of which cars had to stop and get away again, was a searching test of skill. Here M.G.’s made fastest time, the two best being H. P.. Attwood and J. A. Bastock. R. A. Macdermid and A. H. Taylor were also very fast with M.G.’s.

Station Lane was merely the calm before the storm, to wit, Nailsworth Ladder. The ” Ladder ” is bad enough under ordinary conditions, but the” Sunbac ” added to the discomfort of competitors by making them start on a slippery stretch nearer the steep gradient than the competitors liked. Clean ascents were made by a good many people, however, among the best being Mrs. Needham (Frazer Nash), W. B. M. Fraser (M.G. Magna) and J. H. Whittendale (Triumph).

Ham Mill, on Rodborough Common, was the last hill of a really stiff trial, but here the dry weather was on the side of the competitors, most of whom came up fairly easily.


First-class Aards.

J. A. Bastock (M.G.), A. H. Taylor (M.G.), C. W. S. Crabbe (M.G.), H. M. Avery (Singer), C. C. Evans (M.G.), W. H. Haden (M.G.), K. hutcldson (Ford), K. G. Marsh (Triumph), H. Laird (McEvoy Special), E. H. Banfteld (M.G. Magna), W. Porter (Singer), G. B. Goodman (Singer).

Second-class Awards.

C. A. H. Cann (M.G. Magna), W. J. B. Richardson (Singer), H. hillcoat (Ford), J. W. Wathes (M.G.), W. Mason (Clyno), J. D. Barnes (Singer), A. E. Cleghorn (M.G. Magna), G. J. Rea (M.G.), R. Parker (Singer), W. E. C. Greenleaf (Morris Minor), R. L. Bellamy (Triumph), L. Sandford (Singer), A. B. Langley (Singer), K. G. Cotton (Singer), M. G. Dillingham (Singer), R. C. Tibbey (Singer), J. C. Elwes (Singer), C. 13.. Wagstaff (Lea-Francis), M. H. Lawson (Singer), G. H. Harrington (M.G.), J. R. H. Baker (Singer), H. J. Round (Singer), C. S. Parrott (Singer), R. J. Ashley (Singer), J. F. Beasley (Morris Minor), R. V. M. Barry (Morris Minor), M. D. England (Singer), 13. S. Hill (Singer), Miss ‘F. Clarke (Singer), A. H. Langley (Singer), Miss C. Labouchere (Singer), Miss D. B. M. Evans (M.G.), J. F. Kemp (M.G.), K. D. Evans (M.G.), S. Carr (Singer), Bernard Bray (M.G.), G. Clifton (Riley), W. G. Kidd (Singer), j. Tweedate (Frazer Nash), J. Stoate (Frazer Nash), G. F. Horan (M.G.), C. Beddow (Riley), Miss 11. Astbury (Singer), A. E. Carr (Singer),

L. E. C. Hall (Singer), F. R. G. Spikins (Singer), T. E. Price (Singer), J. Priestley, jun. (Avon Standard), J. H. Whittindale (Triumph), A. ‘P. K. Debenham (Singer), G. H. N. Phillips (M.G.), N.A. Watkins (Frazer Nash).

Third-class Awards.

H. R. Attwood (M.G.), Miss G. M. Cannon (Singer), L. W. Cutler (Austin), A. W. F. Smith (M.G.), H. j. Ripley (Riley), H. R.. Winnicott (M.G.), W. J. Goldsworthy (Singer), R. T. Gardner (Frazer Nash), J. L. 1raser (M.G.), R. S. Langford (Frazer Nash), W. B. M. Fraser (M.G. Magna), C. R. Pond (M.G.), Mrs. C. B. Scudamore (Singer), C. J. N. Hall (Triumph), R. J. tt . Appleton (Riley), K. B. Steadman (M.G. Magna), A. K. Hunt (Wolseiey Hornet),

K. C. Delingpole (M.G. Magna), N. Roundhill (Singer), A. P. MeGowran (Riley), J. I,. Higgins (Frazer Nash), E. Blake (Triumph), B. W. Quer° (Singer), R. Collins (Morris), T. H. P. Cain (Austin), D. Eastmond (Morris), S. W. Arthur (M.G.), E. R.

Oliver (Clyno), S. A. Nicholls (Austin), A. J. V. Aterriott (M.G-. Magna), Mrs. A. Needham (Frazer Nash), W. E. C. Watkinson (Alpine Riley).

Completed Course, No Award. F. I. Allen Miss E. V. Watson (M.G.),

F. I. Allen (M.G.), Miss E. V. Watson (M.G.), C. M. Davies (Austin), Lord Avebury (Ford), F. Dimond (M.G.), E. Pleasants (M.G.), L. Mills (LeaFrancis), R. K. Nicholson (M.G.), J. H. Summerfield (M.G. Magnette), E. G. J. Arnold. cFord), E. G. Jackson (M.G. Magna), Miss H. Whipp (Wolseley Hornet), W. S. Whitford (M.G.), Mrs. A. E. Moss (Marendaz Special), G. H. C. Goodban (M.G.), P. S. Smith (Alvis), J. E. de Blaquiere (Austin), P. D. Worthington (M.G.), A. A. Rigby (M.G.), R. J. Richardson (Austin), Miss J. H. Lund (Austin), G. Ii, Goodson (Austin), S. H. Roe (Riley), H. 0. Conway (Austin), H. B. Prestwich (M.G. Magna,

F. Council (M.G. Magna), A. J. Milburn (M.G.).