


IN the little M.G.M. Theatre there issued a series of guffaws punctuated by roars of hearty laughter. A group of sour-looking critics and representatives of motor sport sat watching one of the funniest films to be shown recently. Many of us have often thought what an amusing film could be made around a motorboat story, but few could have visualised the wealth of glorious fun in “A Fast Life.” Can you imagine William Haines hanging onto the side of a yacht while his mechanic in a hydroplane is being chased round and round by a police boat ? Visualise the mechanic, who has not said a word, being ‘ socked ‘ on the jaw by a girl mind

reader ; and William Haines selling a joy ride to the owner of the runabout in which he is taken ! The technical side of the film is appalling. Not that it matters in the least. But, of course, a supercharger does not “build up so much compression that the boat catches fire.” Nor is a “petrol turbine” a great success at the moment. The mechanic, Ukalele Ike, produces the same carburettor top, and screws on the same union, eight times in one scene, while William Haines mounts and unmounts the same dynamo seven times. Between every one of these slightly unsound operations, there is, however, a rich and fruity “wisecrack “, and you find your

self wishing that the supply of dynamos and unions were unlimited.

Although the racing scenes are perfectly shot, the technical side is again inaccurate. The big race is obviously meant to be the Harmsworth Trophy, but all the boats but one are hard-chine runabouts, Chris Craft, Dodge, Harker Craft and all the rest of them. We shudder to think what Mr. Scott Payne will say when he sees the Hollywood idea of “Miss Britain.” There is also a girl in the picture, but this of course, does not interest MOTOR SPORT readers. What ? It does ? Weil, her name is Madge

Evans. R. C.