


SIR,—Re photograph of a Fairey Long-Range monoplane on page 236 in your March edition. Could you tell me what has happened to the top half of the ” prop’ in the

photograph. S. BROAD. Institute of Motor Salesmanship, Ltd., 16-17, Little Portland Street, London, W.1. [The fact that the top half of the propellor is ” missing” is due to the fact that its blades are at different angles, the top half, in this case, reflecting the light and therefore being invisible.—ED.]


SIL—Being a regular reader of your fine journal which I consider is the best dealing with sports cars and racing ever published, I thought you might be interested in an old racing car which is in my possession.

I purchased it about seven years ago from scrap, and after much overhauling, etc., used it on the road for about six months.

The engine is a six cyl. O.H. camshaft unit, the cylinders being cast separately, and the heads non-detachable, it has no maker’s name on it, or date, although the rear axle and gear-box have M.A.B. stamped on some of their components. It has six pipes leading out the side of the bonnet, running into a very large long flexible pipe, a rev, counter was fitted, and a.ero screens. The person I purchased it from said it came /rom Brighton, and was running there in 1921, and was called a Boora and Roberts.

I myself have never heard of such a car, although I have made quite a study of racing cars, new and old, having worked on the D.F.P. car driven at Brooklands by Capt. R. C. Gallop in 1921, I then being in the employment of Messrs. Bentley & Bentley, who were at that time sole concessionaires for that make of car, prior to the appearance of the famous Bentley car which I am proud to say, I was among the first to ride in.

I shall be glad if you, or any reader of the MOTOR SPORT can help me in solving the problem of this nameless racer.

Wishing you every success. J. P. BOWLES. 154, High Street,

Epping, Essex. [The car referred to by our correspondent is, we believe, a Boora, which was raced at several meetings at Brooklands In 1923. Any other information will be appreciated.—ED.]


SIR,—In the February number of MoToR SPORT the question was brought up of how to reconcile the different sizes of competition cars under one handicapping system, in the article entitled “David and Goliath.”

May I suggest the possibility offered by a system of handicapping based on prices ” at works ? ” In this way, the less expensive cars would be given certain handicaps which would enable them to compete against more expensive and, it follows, larger cars.

By the price-handicap system, fantastic special makes would be discouraged, as well as those which furnish paint instead of performance. In adding the provision “at works” to the price classification, I had in mind the effect of customs duties on foreign car prices in England. A remarkable example of this effect may be seen by comparing the twelve cylinder Auburn, whose factory price is now equal to about 450 pounds, with the M.G. Magnette in standard form or the Humber. The Auburn’s performance is rather outstanding. As nearly accurately as I was able to check its speedometer, it accelerates from a standing start to 60 m.p.h. in under 15 seconds, and is able to touch 100 m.p.h. in speedster form. It has two rear-end ratios, changeable at will, which improve its low speed performance. The new Essex ” Terraplane ” 6-cylinder develops ninety h.p. and compares in” at works” price to the J-2 M.G. Midget.

Undoubtedly my suggestion regarding a price fixed handicapping system has a ” hitch ” in it somewhere. However, I would be very grateful for your opinion. Congratulating you on an excellent journal.

MILES COLLIER. 8 East 75 St., New York City IR,—I read with considerable interest the letter from your Correspondence

Column for March, suggesting the price classification in handicap racing, a system which undoubtedly has many merits.

I was, however, very surprised to see that your contributor after first suggesting price as the governing factor, should then introduce a further variable of engine capacity, an addition which seems logically indefensible, as it excludes the possibility of comparing such cars as the Essex and Ford with the smaller type of vehicle.

Actually, on a price limit for the junior class of £500, I feel very strongly that a modified Essex or Ford chassis, supercharged, and selling between £430 and £480, should give the smaller cars a very good run for their money, and, moreover such a car could be sold in racing trim at the figure I have mentioned, whilst it is common knowledge that the average English sports car selling at this price has a very considerable additional sum spent on it to prepare for a season’s racing.

It is very doubtful if the running expenses of the cars I have mentioned would be very much more than those of the smiller English car, whilst the advantages of quietness, comfort, and body space cannot be denied, so that it would be particularly interesting to have them raced on a common basis.


M. A. McEvoy (London) Limited, Directors : M. A. McEvoy, M. A. S. McEvoy, 146, High Street, Notting Hill Gate, W.11.

SIR,—I am sure that every British motorist must be greatly gratified by the entry of the team of M.G. Magnettes in the Italian 1,000 miles race to be driven by Lord Howe and H. C. Hamilton, Bernard Rubin and Sir Henry Birkin, Count Luvaui and G. E. T.

Eyston. And the fact that the Ferrari stable are to run a team of these cars during the coming season is a great compliment to their British manufacturers and to the past performances of the M.G. Midget. It is more than gratifying too, to see that Sir Henry Birkin will be driving on the continent even though the cars he will drive are not English. However, perhaps there will come a day when at least some of our manufacturers feel that times justify the expense of Grand Prix racing. In the meanwhile let us display our good drivers. Anyhow, I for one, foreign car or no, wish him every success.— fast motors and trouble-free runs. The greatest of thanks are due to Mr. Rubin for running this stable. Every success to him too.

To Lord Howe and his team I extend a most grateful vote of thanks for upholding Britain’s prestige and for the confidence they place in a typically British product. That their confidence is not misplaced and that they will represent this country successfully to the full extent of their powers, I am confident.


Furthermore, the best of luck to MOTOR SPORT which, to those like myself who are prevented by circumstances from enjoying the sport in any practical way, is a real magic carpet to the world of motor racing, the finest sport of all. Lastly I would like to suggest that a series of articles which appeared some years back in MOTOR SPORT, if augmented and, in many cases, brought up to date, would make very interesting subject matter for a book. The articles to which I refer are : “Famous Racing Marques” by E. M. Karslake. The amount of books on motor racing is lamentably small. JOHN P. LLOYD. School House,

Mill Hill, N. W.7.


SIR,—I was very interested to read the article on Colloidal Graphite in your March number, as one who has had personal experience of this preparation in a racing engine.

The car in question is an =supercharged 4 cylinder 11 litre Bugatti, in which Colloidal Acheson Graphite has been used constantly in conjunction with the usual lubricating oil. The engine has not been taken down since prior to the Relay Race last July, and is still in excellent condition—the car lapped the Mountain Circuit at Brooklands during the Opening Meeting at a speed of 66.02 m.p.h.

On the way up to Gopsall Park recently the camshaft ran dry, and some of the valves began to stick. Normally, the head has to be removed to rectify this trouble, but in this case, owing to the metal surfaces having been thoroughly treated with Colloidal Graphite, the valves freed themselves.

Incidentally, I have no connection with Messrs. E. G. Acheson, Ltd., other than that of a satisfied user of their product.

R. J. W. APPLETON. Beckenham.