What Do You Know About Cars?


What Do You Know About Cars ?


Report on Problem No. 1. THE make of car shown in the reflection of a headlamp, which formed the first puzzle in our competition last month, was Lancia. The first correct solution opened on the 15th of the month was that submitted by : Mr. G. B. Vinycomb, Trinity Hall, Cambridge,

to whom we have sent a cheque for one guinea. The solutions sent in by many competitors were interesting in their variety, the most frequent make, apart from the correct one, being Lagonda. Next came Austin, Frazer Nash, B.S.A., Ford, Riley, Invicta, Alfa Romeo and Standard. Other makes suggested were Minerva, Dodge, Triumph, Bianchi, Talbot, Vauxhall, etc. Actually, 61% of the entrants sent in correct solutions. As a point of interest, many competitors included in their answer the model, as well as the make of ‘ the car, which is superfluous, but at the same time does not prevent a competitor from -winning the prize. As it turned out, of these solutions only one cited the correct

• model, namely the Lancia Astura, and this was sent in by Mr. Alan Whitaker, 49, Staveley Road, Ingrow, near Keighley.


1. Cut out the coupon on the inside back cover, fill in your solution, and send it to us in a sealed envelope, marked Competition.

2. Write your solution and name and address in block capitals. Any alterations will automatically disqualify the entrant.

3. The Editor’s decision is final.

4. Entries must reach this office, 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1., not later than first post, April 15th, and a prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution opened.

5. More than one coupon may be included in one envelope.

6. No letter must be sent with coupon.

7. The result will be published in our May issue.

Problem No. 2. To which make of car does the follouring specification apply :

15/80 h.p. 6 cylinders, 65 mm. bore x 100 mm. stroke. Tax £16. Detachable head, 7 roller-bearing crankshaft. Roller-bearing big-ends.

H-section con-rods. Aluminium alloy pistons, with two rings in head and one scraper in skirt. Two tulip valves per cylinder, operated by twin overhead camshafts, running in roller bearings. Camshafts driven by Y-shaped member and eccentric from rear of crankshaft.

Single plate clutch, four-speed gear box with right hand change. Spiral bevel .final drive.

Semi-elliptic front and undersiung rear springs.

Four wheel brakes utilising the Perrot system.

Wheelbase 10 feet 3 inches : track 4 feet 5 inches.

Tyres 34 x 41 inches.