

PROBABLY no newcomer to the light aeroplane market has achieved so much success in so short a space of time as the Comper” Swift’ single-seater monoplane.

Prior to July, 1931, it had not appeared very much in public, except in demonstration flights, and when it was known that a ” Swift ” was entered for the King’s Cup Race last year, considerable interest was aroused. It will be recalled that the little machine put up an excellent show ; piloted by Squadron-Leader Robb, it completed the course of 990 miles at an average speed of 118 m.p.h. Squadron-Leader Robb started 34th, and finished 6th, although his engine was by far the smallest in the race.

Later on in the year Flight-Lieut. Comper carried out a 3,000 miles tour of Europe on a ” Swift,” and amongst other things, he crossed the Alps. During his journey he had no trouble whatever.

About the same time that Comper was flying around Europe, Lieut. Byas set off from England on a ” Swift ” en route for South Africa. Leaving on 21st August, he arrived at Johannesburg ten days later, having averaged 103 m.p.h. His petrol consumption worked out at only 4.2 gallons per hour.

Then in October last a ” Swift” once more came into the limelight when Mr. C. A. Butler broke the England-Australia record.

Now comes news from South America of another notable flight made with this 24-feet span light aeroplane. Piloted by Mr. Taylor, a Pobjoyengined Swift has crossed that continent and set up yet another record for this combination of engine and aircraft by crossing the Andes from Mendosa to Santiago, Chile, at a height of 18,000 feet in 1 hour

50 minutes. Apart from the speed, this is the first time any light aeroplane has ever attempted the crossing of these mountains. The Pobjoy engine is the product of an associated concern of the Camper Co.—Pobjoy Airmotors Ltd. Several firms are now adopting this remarkable power unit, and notably the Monospar Co. A Klemm monoplane has also been tried out with a Pobjoy—with excellent results as the following will prove :

Take off in. still air, with pilot only, 10 yards, with two up and full load, 25 yards, cruising speed 100 m.p.h., climb to 19,000 feet, 46 minutes.