

THE majority of sports car owners are, as a rule, amateur mechanics and the retention of tune in their machines forms part of “the game.” Too often, however, one finds a tendency to “tinker “—with results which are the opposite to those desired. And even when certain operations are really necessary, a good number of motorists undertake the work without being properly equipped either with the right tools or the necessary knowledge as to how to set about the job. Magna owners have no excuse in transgressing in this manner, however, for the M.G. Car Company have recently issued a very fine and very complete instruction manual, with the express purpose of placing in their possession as much detailed information concerning this model, so that when the time arises for dismantling, the correct method of procedure will be il it


Completely illustrated, and written in a style which anyone except the veriest tyro can understand, it deals with every detail of the engine, transmission and chassis, and, for ourselves, is one of the finest publications of its kind, which we have so far seen.

The manual is obtainable from the M.G. Company for 10s.