

WE have on more than one occasion made reference to the special models turned out by Abbey Coachworks, Ltd., of Minerva Road, Chase Estate, North Acton, London, N.W.10. All these models, whether open or closed, have an individual stamp about them, and are notably smart and well finished, but in their latest

• model, which is illustrated herewith, Mr. Terry who is responsible for Abbey designs, has, we think, eclipsed all his previous efforts.

As will be seen, it is mounted on an M.G. Magna chassis, and takes the form of a two-seater fixed head coupe. Without being grotesque or garish, the treatment of the wings and the contour of the body in general are unusual, and the effect as a whole is exceptionally smart and rakish. In spite of the fact that the total height is only 4 feet 1 inches, entry and egress is made without any difficulty whatever, and–another important feature—there is ample head room. There is also plenty of

elbow room, and indeed, while the designer has obviously been at great pains to produce an ultrasmart vehicle, he has at the same time devoted much care in making it really comfortable and roadworthy. The two seats are of the bucket type and are adjustable ; behind them space is provided for the

“parking” of three large suitcases.

A single-piece windscreen is used, and this is fitted with twin wipers which operate over a wide area of the glass. A special tank is installed at the rear of the car, and this has an 8-gallon capacity.

The price of this very distinctive little car, with complete equipment, is 2345.