

A_ M ANY of the best things in this world are quite sud den and unexpected, and the advent of the speed model Rover was one of these. Without ally particular warning an edition of the 20 h.p. chassis suddenly appeared last season and proceeded to show that it was a really fast motor car, and at the same time extremely pleasant and quiet. In these days of hopeful speedometers it was pleasing to find such a car whose speed was no myth, and when one of these

models in the M.C.C. high speed trial covered over 84 miles in the level hour, motorists began to realise that here was a chassis worth looking into. Its development has been due to the energy and foresight of Mr. Sydney Cummings, and his firm have now produced a further model of this car with very attractive Abbey coachwork. We had an opportunity of closely examining one of these cars recently in their showrooms in the Fulham Road, and were greatly impressed

by the high finish and attention to detail.

The price of £495 for the fourseater is the same as the standard model, and the arrangement of seating and equipment is very generous. Pneumatic upholstery is fitted throughout with good room in the rear seat, and deep foot wells. The very wide doors opening at the front give easy access to the instantly adjustable front seats, and the weather protection is very complete. The screens and tool locker are neatly fitted behind the rear squab, while items of equipment include a Bluemel spring steering wheel, large door pockets, and twin electric windscreen wipers. The screen, as on other Abbey bodies, can either fold flat on the scuttle or open from the top when the hood is up, a very good point in foggy weather.

With its proved excellent performance this luxurious yet not expensive car should be in great demand among those who wish to travel fast in comfort, and without fuss and noise, and we have no doubt that the season will see many of them on the road.