A Midlands Sports Depot.


A Midlands Sports Depot.

IN all parts of the country the cult of the sports car has been noticeably on the upward trend during the past few years, and in no area is it more popular nowadays than in the Midlands.

In consequence a great number of motor trading concerns are devoting increasing attention to the sales and service of types which find favour with the sporting enthusiast. ” Recently,” writes a MOTOR SPORT representative, “I paid a visit to the premises of Patrick Motors Ltd., at 479-481, Bristol Road, Bouraebrook, Birmingham. This firm are the Midland distributors for such thoroughbreds as Aston-Martin, AlfaRomeo and Lanchester cars, and I found their showrooms un

usually interesting in having an extraordinarily full range of sports cars on view. Here the visitor will find various examples of the Wolseley Hornet-Patrick Special, sports Triumphs and a number of other attractive models of various types and power.”

Patrick Motors Ltd., are primarily sports body specialists, and an inspection of their works is well worth while. They are, at present, extremely busy turning out a large batch of bodies for the new Triumph sports model, the” Southern Cross,” and a number of special jobs are in hand for individual orders.

The principal of the concern, Mr. Patrick, is himself a great enthusiast for the sporting side of motoring, and is a frequent participant in trials and other events.