Club news, April 1932




FOR the convenience of members, the B.R.D.C. now have a number of copies of the regulations governing such events as the Monaco Grand Prix, Le Mans Grand Prix and the Belgian Grand Prix. The majority of leading foreign clubs have been communicated with for the supply of regulations of other events and it is hoped that these will be to hand at an early date.

The Secretary invites members to use the club’s office—at Bangalore House, Newton Street, London, W.C.2.—f or correspondence purposes, and he also points out that they may arrange to meet friends there during ordinary business hours, while telephonic messages will be dealt with. If necessary, box numbers can be arranged.


The Light Car Club have now issued a preliminary announcement regarding the second International Relay Race which is to take place at Brooklands on 16th July. Other events which figure in the club’s fixture list are as follow : 30th April, Reliability trial ; 18th June, Inter-club meeting at Brooklands ; 16th

17th September, long distance trial ; 8th October, Dussek trial ; 4th November, annual dinner and dance. The secretary of the Light Car Club is Mr. John Yule, of ” Kirkney,” High Road, Whetstone, N.20.


In the Torquay trial, held by the Riley Club, some time ago, all starters (62) checked in at the finish.

A course measuring 145 miles was selected, and several well-known test hills, such as Ibberton, Marlpits, Pepperdon and Simms Hill, were included.

The best performance of a lady driver was made by Miss Jean Robertson, who had previously driven her 9 h,p. car overland from Australia to compete in the Monte Carlo Rally. The private owner’s award was won by Mr. S. H. Roe, who drove an old type 12 h.p. model, the ” trade ” award being won by Mr. H. V. Phippen, with a two-seater ” Gamecock.” Prizes were also given to the runners-up in each class, and in addition there were 31 first class awards, 19 second class and 4 third class, and a special novice’s prize. The premier awards took the form of silver salvers engraved with of the course.


The Royal Scottish Automobile Club intend to hold a rally in Scotland during the last week in June or the first week in July. It is meantime suggested that cars. may start from one of three centres in

England, viz., London, Droitwich, and Harrogate, from which places distances. will be reckoned, and in Scotland from Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen. The routes to be traversed will extend to about 1,200 miles and will embrace

the principal touring centres in Scotland and the finest and most picturesque scenery in the Highlands.

A preliminary programme and print of rules and conditions will be available early this month.