


ON February 28th the famous French track was the scene of a combined AngloFrench triumph, when a straight-8 Delage sports model, stripped and fitted with a streamlined body, but otherwise in practically normal trim, not only broke records in its class but also accounted for six World’s records. When a chassis which is available to the public proves itself capable of such a performance, it speaks volumes for the design and quality of the make in question. Delage speed is no special mystery to followers of motor racing, who will all remember the way the 1 i litre Delage racing team, in the hands of Benoist, Divo, Senechal, Wagner, Bourlier, Dubonnet, and others, swept the board in the years

when the Grand Prix were confined to this size, and the lessons learnt in this intensive school have proved invaluable in developing the standard production which has so distinguished itself.

In this case the team of drivers was English, being Kaye Don, Eyston, Eldridge and Denby, who put up a wonderful show under extremely uncomfortable conditions. The biting cold was their greatest handicap, and the physical endurance required to keep going in relays for twelve hours can only be imagined. Kaye Don was actually confined to bed with a temperature, but when preparations were complete for the record, he defied all orders to the contrary and immediately flew over

to Le Bourget and reported for duty.

Talking to him about the record on his return he spoke as if it was all simple, but when one realises the difficulty of maintaining some 120 m.p.h. all day in a temperature below freezing, it is easy to see that it was actually very different. Fortimotely he appeared none the worse for his disregard of medical advice, so we presume that fresh air is good for ‘flu! The actual World’s records taken were 500 kilometres, 3 hours, 1,000

kilometres, 6 hours, 1,000 miles and 2,000 kilometres, the speeds being 117.8 m.p.h., 117.83 m.p.h., 117.0 m.p.h., 117.12 m.p.h., 116.36 m.p.h. and 116.08 m.p.h. In addition to the above ‘World’s records, class records were taken, being the 200 miles at 117.47 m.p.h., 500 miles at 116.74 m.p.h. and 12 hours at 112.03 m.p.h. Dunlop

tyres also took their indispensable share in the British side of the achievement ; we heartily congratulate all concerned on the results. Two of these records, the 500 kilometres and the 3 hours, were later beaten by Divo and Chiron on a 2,300 c.c. supercharged Bugatti, but we may take it that the

game has only just started, and there will be plenty more record activity on the part of both concerns before long.