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Riley’s Racing Plans.

AT a time when certain well known firms have decided to refrain from motorcar racing during 1931, it is refreshing to learn that a company whose name has always been connected with speed has expressed its determination to support motor racing wholeheartedly. This is the Riley concern.

Last year the Riley Company was represented in races by private entrants only, and one of these, Victor Gillow, it will be remembered, won the first day’s race of the Irish Grand Prix at Phoenix Park. For 1931, however, the company will itself be entering an official team for the leading British races and for certain overseas events.

The team will be headed by Victor Gillow, and the second member will be C. R. Whitcroft ; the name of the third man has not as yet been disclosed. Entries will be made in the “Double-Twelve,” the Irish Grand Prix and the Tourist Trophy race. It is possible, also, that the Belgian 24 hour race at Spa will be supported. The cars will be standard editions of the Riley ‘ Nine ” Brooklands model and will not be supercharged. It is probable that in the 1100 c.c. classes of the events named above there will be no other British cars competing; the honour of upholding the country’s prestige will, therefore, fall to the Riley team.

In addition to racing, the Company will be represented in certain trials by Donald Healey. He will be driving a 9 h.p. car in the Paris-Nice trial, the Buda Peste Rally and other events.

Rolls-Royce at Buenos Aires.

So completely does British engineering cover every phase of modern transport that a single concern at the British Empire Trade Exhibition is represented on land, in the air and on water. This is the Rolls-Royce Company. They are showing a car and a sectioned model of one of their latest aero engines. This is fitted to two of the fastest fighter seaplanes in the world, the “Nimrod ” and the “Osprey.” Lord Wakefield’s speed-boat, “Miss England II,” is also, of course, equipped with two Rolls-Royce R-Type racing aero engines, each. of 2,000 b.h.p., and similar to that fitted to the ” S.6.””

The car representing the Rolls-Royce range is a 40/50 h.p. “Phantom II,” with a handsome sedanca de vile body, finished in black cellulose and relieved by a blue line. Triplex glass is fitted throughout. Polished radiator shutters are fitted and all exterior bright parts are of untarnishable steel.

Saving the Shavings.

It is difficult to find a ” waste ” product which has not some use these days, and eliminating waste is one

of the most important duties of the production engineer —an individual to be found in most modern motorcar factories.

At the Rover car works they even turn sawdust into profit. Large suction pipes draw the shavings off the floors of the body-building shops and convey them through conduits to a hopper, where they serve as fuel for the factory’s central heating system.

Aluminium Welding Folder.

A folder entitled “The Barimar Metallurgical Process of Repairing Aluminium,” just issued by Barimar, Ltd., deals interestingly with a highly-technical subject in simple language. It shows how common fractures in gearboxes and crankcases due to weaknesses in design can be welded and strengthened by the Barimar process. Readers of MOTOR SPORT can obtain a copy of the folder on application to Barimar, Ltd., 14/18, Lamb’s Conduit Street, London, W.C.1.