Speed Trials


Speed Trials in Isle of Man

Island Enthusiasts Set the Ball Rolling

MOTOR Club secretaries in the Isle of Man have one great advantage over their fellows on the Mainland when it comes to arranging speed trials, namely, that the laws in force in the Island permit the use of public roads for racing purposes. A very successful meeting was held last month on the Ballamoda straight, between Ballacraine and Castletown, and some excellent speeds were put up. Unfortunately, the Manx Automobile Club were unable to co-operate with the Southern District and the Peveril M.C.C.’s, who organised the event, so that the cars which ran were merely the unofficial entries of the two clubs mentioned. The Ballamoda road is a magnificent stretch some three miles in length, and the course marked out embodied a quarter mile flying start, followed by a quarter

mile timed section, with a gradient of 1 in 25. There were some 50 entries, and the motor-cycle entry was notable for the duel between Shimmin (Norton) and T. M. Sheard (Sunbeam), the former T.T. winner. They clocked equal times on their first run, and on a second attempt Sheard increased his speed to 75 m.p.h. ; Shimmin was able to lower his time by 1/10th second, and thus secured fastest time of the day.

Fastest time in the car class was made by T. G. Moore (4i-litre Bentley), and D. M. Brown on a venerable 30-98 was little slower. The head wind and the short run did not allow the cars to compare favourably with the motor-cycles, but the keenness shown by the drivers gives hope of a good show if some more entrants can be recruited for the Hillberry run, which takes place in April.


In view of the facilities for holding speed trials in theIsle of Man, it has been suggested that a combined meeting of the Island clubs and a Mainland club might be held in July. Anyone interested in this scheme is. invited to communicate with T. A. Kelly, c/o Highway Board, Douglas, who will forward the application to the right quarters.—T.M.