
The Amateur Outboard Club.

AN organisation which promises to have a membership among those who are interested the purely sporting side of motor boat is the Amateur Outboard Club of Great Britain. club is, as its name implies, confined to amateurs, and has its clubhouse and headquarers Rickmansworth.

The hon. secretary is Mr. Reginald T. Wild, of New Broad Street, E.C.2, from whom full particulars membership may be obtained. This is divided into grades ; full membership at three guineas covering use of the clubhouse, car park, etc., also free to all meetings, and an option on one guest ticket guinea entitling the guest to ordinary privileges. membership is required for racing members. membership at one guinea allows admission at but does not include the privilege of a guest Exclusive rights have been obtained by the club Rickmansworth lake, and the first meeting is due to held on April 5th, and thereafter on the first and Saturdays in the month.

Another Outboard Cruiser.

Ever since the introduction of the outboard cabin cruiser there has been a considerable in obtaining reasonable accommodation with lines. A design which shows remarkable ingenuity this method of getting over these difficulties is that Mr. Percy See of Fareham whose racing hulls achieved considerable success in the last season. common with all his productions, the lines are and the workmanship and finish extremely good. chief differences from the normal outboard cabin are found in the provision of two cockpits, the fore having a protecting windscreen and in the lifting This latter feature has been well carried out and that much better head room can be obtained than normally the case with this class of vessel. The pearance with the roof closed is irreproachable and additional height available with it lifted is 18ins. windscreen of the fore cockpit can be folded out of way when required and the seat lifted up through deck and secured in such a manner as to enclose this cockpit. Thus with the roof raised and fore cockpit flattened down the whole fore part of boat is open to the cabin and gives as much room can be expected from this size of boat. It is

with the well known Johnson Sea Horse ” 32 ” and as can be expected gives a very fine performance The dimensions are 20ft. x 5ft. 8in. beam and the with the Johnson” 32″ and full equipment is 2255.

Proposed Dublin Club.

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A motor boat club is now in process of formation Dublin, and judging by the number of inquiries by its sponsors, it seems likely that it will receive a deal of support.

Already a great many marine motorists in the have signified their intention of joining and it is that before very long the Club will be got under Amongst the proposed activities is the holding of at fortnightly intervals.

All those interested in the project are advised to in touch with Lieut.-Colonel Mansfield, of House, Newbridge, Co. Kildare.

The Petter Atomic Diesel.

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Petters, Ltd., of Westland Works, Yeovil, have cently published a pamphlet concerning a test carried out by Mr. W. A. Tookey, on their 130 Atomic Diesel. The performance figures given show the fuel consumption under full load was 0.40 and the lubricating oil consumption was 0.648 per engine hour for all purposes. In summing up in report Mr. Tookey gives it as his opinion that the of the engine represents a definite advance, in that offers the simplicity of the two-stroke crankcase pression motor with the thermal efficiency of the stroke.

Sales and Service.

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The Hon. Victor Bruce and J. Holroyd, who been putting up some excellent shows recently on Brooke Hydrocar, have now opened a showroom at Feltham, Middlesex. A range of engines is included in the stock, also two See planes, a 106 h.p. Chrysler engine and a Wood dinghy.

The premises also include a fully equipped where every kind of repair and service can be taken. Two more genuine enthusiasts cannot imagined, and with their extensive experience they be in a position to help anyone who is thinking of to the water.