Club News, April 1930


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TT is announced that the Shelsley Walsh open hill climb (which

sanctioned by the S.IVI.M.T. for ” trade” entries), will I now be the British venue for the Championnat d’Europe de la Montague and will be run under the international rules of the A.I.A.C.R. and the R.A.C.

Readers of Moron SPORT should note that the dates for the .climbs have now been altered and are as follows :—Open and championship event, Saturday, 12th July ; amateur event, Saturday, 13th September.

The regulations are now being drafted and copies will be available in a week or so. Application should be made to the Hon. Secretary, Mr. Leslie Wilson, whose office is at 415, Stratford, Road, Birmingham.


The racing committee of the Light Car Club, with the Earl of March, President of the club, in the chair, met recently to discuss .an interesting proposal relating to the Brooklands meeting, down to take place on July 26th. and a deputation was appointed to wait upon the Clerk of the Course in order to obtain his views on the matter. Further facts will be revealed. later.

The provisional date for this season’s events have now been fixed and are as follow :—Opening rally, April 13th; first trial, May 17th; river trip, June 22nd; Brooklands meeting, July 26th; 24-hours’ trial, September 5th and 6th ; social run, September 20th; second half-day trial, October 18th; annual dinner and dance, November 21st; and the New Year’s party, January 17th, 1931.


The snowstorm which occurred prior to the event, and covered the Midlands with deep drifts made the Shirley and District Motor Club’s Open Joyce Trophy Trial a difficult and trying test for most competitors. It was originally intended. that the 55-mile course should. be covered twice, once in the morning and

• once in the afternoon, both circuits starting from and funshing at the Plume of Feathers Hotel on the Birmingham to Stratford.on-Avon road, but the organizers decided to wash out the afternoon circuit. Their decision was rather welcomed, for the single lap of the course, as it was on Saturday, was more than some of the entrants could tackle.

Only J. Priestley (Bugatti) failed to finish, and Mrs. R. M. Whitfield (Rover) did not start. Eleven observed sections were included, but a number of these were by-passed by the cars. A stop and restart test was held on Swan’s Hill and here the competitors were glad that non-skid chains were permitted. G. Lewis (M.G. Midget) made the best show and won the Field. Cup for the best car performance.


The opening meeting of the year of the Club will take place at Brooklands next Saturday, 5th April, when racing will commence at 2 p.m. In all there will be seven events—three 3-lap handicaps, three 1-lap sprints and a 3-lap relay race. The entry fee for each event is five shillings.


A most extensive sporting programme has been arranged for this season and there are to be seven trials, two grass-track meetings, and at least one hill-climb. The club’s private half-mile course should provide the means for some excellent fast motoring.

The subscription is 7s. 6d. per annum, and this includes a free copy every month of the club magazine, “The Griptwister.” The secretary is Mr. Tom Wyncoll, 275, Franklin Road, King’s Norton., Birmingham, and, the club is open to all motorcyclists.


The fixture list was completed at a committee meeting held recently, when an appeal was made for larger attendances in view of the fact that the club celebrates its 21st birthday this year. Possessing, perhaps, one of the prettiest counties in England, the club has no difficulty in arranging a series of attractive runs, while the hilly nature of the surrounding district enables several trials which promise some excellent sport, to be included. The fixture list contains nine trials and five social runs, covering some of the most picturesque scenery in the district.

Among those who have accepted vice-presidencies of the Cumberland County M.C.C. are the Earl of Lonsdale Mr. R. C. Chance (Mayor of Carlisle), Professor A. M. Low, Mr. George Middleton (M.P. for Carlisle), Alderman A. Creighton, Councillor W. Dobinson, Mr. R. D. Holt (Liberal candidate for North Cumberland at the last General Election), and Mr. W. T. Tiffen (member of the committee of the Cumberland M.C.).


The annual general meeting was held last month at the East Hill Hotel, Wandsworth. The hon. secretary’s report showed a fine response to the efforts of the committee. Reporting upon the club’s finances, the treasurer placed a most satisfactory balance sheet before the members, and his statement proved the financial as well as the social and sporting success of the organization. The trials’ secretary was specially commended for his efforts in arranging the long list of events during 1929, which resulted in nearly 50 awards being presented.