

Series of Mishaps Mars First Event of the Season

ALTHOUGH the weather conditions were distinctly pleasant, the support from members good, and the organisation and route well up to the usual standard, the Junior Car Club’s opening-of-the-season event, a half-day trial, which took place on the 8th of last month, was rather a disappointing show, owing to outside forces upsetting the schedule and causing massed delays.

Seventy-four of the seventy-seven entrants turned up at the K.L.G. works at Kingston Vale for the start, and by an easy route competitors reached Ranmore Hill, where the stopping and re-starting test was held.

It was here that the first contretemps ensued, for, after the major portion of the stream of competitors had passed, two big non-competing vehicles collided at the foot of the ascent and held up the late members for over half-an-hour. Incidentally, the standard of driving during this section of the trial was far from high, and with the exception of C. G. H. Dunham (M.G. Midget), J. Dick-Cleland (Austin), C. Dugdale (LeaFrancis), G. E. Taylor (M.G. Midget), E. W. 1VIcNamara (Standard) and K. Jarvis (Riley), one saw no outstanding climbs.

The trouble at the bottom of Ranmore caused further havoc later on because the early competitors, having got ahead, reached White Downs Hill for the ascent only to meet the delayed cars coming down. Result : more loss of time. Then a Bayliss-Thomas driven by W. J. Haward had a spot of bother on the hill and a noncompetitor became involved in a mix-up and there was another lengthy hold-up.

Eventually things were sorted out, however, and the Goat Track was reached. But owing to the cars having become bunched together there was another long wait, as they had to be sent up at intervals for their observed climbs. Then the police came along with complaints about obstruction, and took “the necessary action.” Nevertheless, the morale of the long-suffering drivers remained high and they attacked the slimy gradient of the Goat Track with verve. One noticed that the better performances were invariably made by the small cars ;

one should mention in particular H. W. Wells (Triumph), who made a good steady climb without fuss ; T. H. Wisdom (Frazer-Nash), who was very speedy ; F. A. Thatcher (Triumph) ; C. W. D. Chinery (Riley) ; and W. A. L. Cook (Austin).

So far behind schedule were the ” tail-enders ” that several arrived at the Goat Track with their lights on, and the officials thereupon decided that the last section of the route should be cut out.

In due course all arrived at the finish (Burford Bridge Hotel) and the day was rounded off in a typically J.C.C. manner with a dinner and dance. The discolation of the schedule, and the final curtailment of the last section of the course naturally necessitated a special formula being drawn up for the allocation of awards. The results are as follows :—

First-Class Awards :—R. L. Burnett (Riley), P. B. C. King (Salmson), H. C. Jacobs (Austin), A. L. Baker (Salmson), W. J. Howard (Bayliss Thomas), H. Metchim (Austin), S. F. Seyfried (Riley), H. C. Hunter (K.C. Austin), L. G. Bain (Aston Martin), E. A. Denton (M.G. Midget), A. P. Squire (Riley), G. Roberts (Riley), A. Issigonis (Austin), M. Collier (M.G. Midget), F. A. Thatcher (Triumph), H. W. Wells (Triumph), G. H. Goodson (M.G. Midget), R. Peaty (Singer), J. A. Lloyd (Standard),W. A. L. Cook (Austin), R. C. Player (Riley), W. K. Silk (Austin), A. H. Oxenford (Standard), L. A. Brook (Riley), K. S. Jarvis (Riley), S. A. Burnham (Salmson), D. E. M. Douglas Morris (Triumph), C. G. H. Dunham (M.G. Midget), Miss L. M. Roper (A.C.), G. E. Taylor (M.G. Midget), E. W. McNamara (Standard), Miss P. McOstrich (Alvis), J. Dick-Cleland (Austin), Mrs. M. Vaughan (Standard), R. S. Latham Boote (Lagonda), L, E. Drabble (Amilear), D. G. Evans (Chrysler), H. S. Stevens (Chrysler), J. R.. Laing (M.G. Six), D. Monro (Lagonda), F. H. Grain (Ford), B. G. Marriott (Morris-Oxford), S. R. Mitchell (Vauxhall), L. Baynes (Austin), G. F. Randall (Lagonda), A. S. Crowther (M.G. Six), M. H. Seymour (Humber), C. R. Salter (M.G. Six), ‘ Tim ” Dexter (M.G.), H. S. Davidson (A.C.), G. W. Olive (Standard), G. M. Giles (Bugatti).

Second-Class Awards :—L. M. Oliver (Tracta), N. Johnson Ferguson (Salmson), H. P. A. Peaty (Riley), B. P. H. Jones (Talbot), S. D. Marr (Tracta), C. W. D. Chinery (Riley), T. H. Wisdom (Frazer Nash), C. Dugdale (Lea Francis), A. J. Reese (Tracta), Digby King (Talbot), J. Harvey (Alvis), R.. P. J. Morley (A.C.), Miss I. E. Ilasluck (A.C.), R.. H. Corbett (Ballot), L. R.. Woods (Morris-Oxford), C. Woolnough (Vauxhall).

No Awards :—W. L. Booty (Riley), II. P. Arkell (Vauxhall), G. E. Templer (Talbot), A. A. Pollard (A.C.).