Successful event at Branches Park


The whole day’s motoring was carried through in the true tradition of a University event, where the trade element is entirely and delightfully missing, and every competitor does it because there is nothing he likes better ! Some weird and wonderful machines turned up as well as some very rapid and well known racing cars. W. B. Scott on his Delage made fastest time of the

day, crossing the finish ng line at well over 100. m.p.h. His victory was by no means a walk over however, for Spottiswoode on his Bugatti ran him within a fraction of .a second. There were many interesting cars, including Meeson’s Vauxhall, the Frazer-Nash ” Slug ” and a variety of Bugattis, varying from the utterly Grand Prix variety to considerably older models with strange and very home made bodywork, a good example of this being J. A. Robinson’s car.

Good performances in the smaller class were put up by A. P. P. Agabeg on a Salmson who won the 1100 c.c. class at 40.6 m.p.h., and G. G. L. Willis’s B.C. Austin which won the 850 c.c. class at 37 m.p.h. as against the fastest time of the day of 56.2 m.p.h. by Scott. The organisation throughout was excellent and it is to be hoped that further events of this sort will be held during the season.