Halifax and District M.C.C. and L.C.C.


Halifax and District M.C.C. and L.C.C.

The following events are in the Club’s programme for 1928 :

April 29th.—ist Trial. Main Road Reliability. (Awards). Cars, 1st, Ryburn Trophy and Silver Cup ; 2nd, Gold Medal. Cycles and Three-Wheelers, 1st, Tyre, Men’s Cup and Tyre and Silver Cup: 2nd, Gold Medal.

May 26th.—TOothill Bank, Freak Hill. 7 p.m.

June 2nd.-2nd Trial under consideration. Details later. Award, Webbe Trophy.

June 24th.-3rd Trial. Main Road Reliability. (Awards) Cars, 1st, Wodhall Nicholson Trophy, Silver Cup ; 2nd GoldMedal. Cycles. and Three Wheelers, 1st, Jenkinson Trophy and Silver Cup ; 2nd Gold Medal.

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