British Motor Boat Club.


British Motor Boat Club.

Arrangements for 1928 :

Race Meetings have been arranged for 1928 in various parts of the country at all of which there will be events for the outboard classes, and, in addition, it is hoped to arrange many special events, such as National Championship races, a long-distance race, joint meetings and contests with other Clubs, a motor-boat gymkhana, a competition for the winner of the greatest number of points during the season, relay races, etc. Several valuable challenge cups have been promised. The British Motor Boat Club may also stage, in the autumn, an International Contest—somewhat analogous to the Duke of York’s Trophy races.

Monthly race meetings have been provisionally arranged at the Welsh Harp for the following dates :— May 12th, June 9th, July 14th, August 18th, September 8th and October 13th.

The Outboard Section Headquarters are at the Welsh Harp, Hendon, where there is a magnificent stretch of water a mile long, ideally suitable for this purpose, and which is reserved for members of the British Motor Boat Club only. There is a landing stage, ample storage for boats under cover at a reasonable charge, changing rooms, baths, and lavatory accommodation, and the resources of a large hotel for meals, etc. An accurately measured halfnautical mile has been laid down.

It is hoped that every owner and prospective owner of an outboard motor boat will join the British Motor Boat Club, as by so doing he will strengthen the movement and ensure better sport and greater privileges and facilities for every one.

Further information can be obtained from the Honorary Secretary, W. T. Fry, 13, Buckingham Palace Gardens, S.W.I. Telephone, Sloane 7277.