Round the Clubs, April 1928


ire have pleasure in announcing that MR. C. T. 57, NEWPORT ROAD, CARDIFF, has consenkd to act as Honorary

District .-1;;ent for that locality, and LIEUT.-CO:MMANDER JOHN. HAVERS in a like capacity for the Reading District.


This well-known Yorkshire club was founded in 1911, purely for fostering the sport of motor-cycling. One of the prime movers in its inception was Mr. J. Norman Longfield, who became the first secreta:y and afterwards the President for several years. This gentleman was a keen motor-cyclist and was at one t: me a reserve rider for the T.T. He was also the first Chairman of the Yorkshire Centre of the A.C.U.

During the war the Club ceased its activities, and its members engaged in the struggle, many_w:th distinction, while many others did not return.

1921 and 1922 saw the Club permitted by the A.C.U. to run an open trial, in both years held with great success.

Early in 1923 it became obvious that most of the support of the Club was derived from Utley members, and eventually head quarters were transferred to the Black Horse Hotel at Otley. This procedure was adopted as an Otley member undertook to double the then membership of sixty. The following year saw the membership increase to two hundred!

Since then the Club has forged steadily ahead, an example of which is its team performance in the 1927 M.C.C. Team Championship. This the Ilkley Club won hands down, six riders completing the course with a total error of one minute, seventeen seconds, of which the minute was the error of one competitor owing to a miscalculation of his mileage.

The Ilkley Club has devoted itself almost exclusively to the Reliability Trial, desiring to show the public what the modern motor-cycle will do in exceptional circumstances. For four years in succession this Club has won the Yorks Centre A.C.U. Team Championship, and, indeed, have won this five times out of the seven which have been held.

This success is attributable to the splendid spirit which exists in the Club, an esprit de corps which is exampled by the popular President—Mr. Herbert Payne, M.B.E. —and by the hard-working officials of the Club. Additional honour accrues to the Club in that Mr. H. W. Robinson, a vice-President, is the President of the Yorks Centre A.C.U. for 1928, and that both Mr. H. Payne and Mr. F Marshall have been elected, vicePresidents of the Centre.

In addition to its sporting proclivities, the Club does not neglect social life, and dinners, dances and social runs are regularly held, while an outing for some 500 poor children of the district is an annual feature.

In 1925 the Club organised another A.C.U. Open Trial, giving some 150 in prizes. In 1926 support was not so easily forthcoming, so in 1927 the event was closed to the Centre, and the prizes reduced in accordance. The event proved popular and successful.

For 1928 the Club has an attractive programme, including a Centre trial, and a skilful Driving Test at Rosedale Abbey Bank on Whit-Monday (May 28th). The trial is scheduled for Saturday, April 28th. Membership of this progressive Club is 7s. 6d. per annum for motor-cycling members, and los. for car members. The programme for 1928, which will include sporting and main-road trials, social runs and

ROUND THE CLUBS—continued.

.various novelty events, is now in course of preparation, and will be announced in our pages in an early issue.