

A FINE DAY’S SPORT. more unto the heath dear friends, once more — ” Glorious weather graced the proceedings on the occasion of the Southern Scott Scramble, on Satur

day, i7th March, and everyone was in the best of spirits, despite dark rumours regarding a new terror in the shape of Watchman’s Tower.

Prom the start the way was just Camberley Heath— very Camberley in parts, and after a little falling off here and there the entry encountered Wild and Woolly.

The hill, owing to the good weather, was as easy as this hill will ever be. The first man up got off to walk but failed in the attempt. B. L. Hieatt (Cotton) made a very rapid ascent, but R. G. Hieatt (A. J.S.) was supremely hectic and crashed.

Competitors were now arriving thick and fast, most falling off, others charging the crowd, and yet some got up nicely—notably B. W. Swabey (499 Rudge). More Heath followed and Brobdignay loomed ahead. The hill was probably the worst of the course, being shockingly loose. J. H. Amott (499 Rudge) made a perfect feet-up ascent. Miss Foley got up well, and

V. N. Brittain leapt high over the brow on his 347 Sunbeam, while Miss Cottle failed after a good show, owing to lack of ground clearance.

Kilimanjaro was the next bar to progress, and provided pleasure for the spectatcrs and trouble for the riders. The idea is to rush the hill, but not such a rush as to preclude the turn at the top. The nicety of judgment demanded provides the amusement referred to above.

G. Horton (348 A.J .S.) made an error of judgment, among others, and ended in a heap in the near-by valley, having taken the brow of the hill in one long zoom. V. N. Brittain and F. G. Balcornb (490 Norton) climbed well and truly, but T. Croombs (989 Harley) dispersed the crowd. G. C. Bower (247 Excelsior)

made a clever climb, but stopped on the next hill, where he created a diversion by acting as a buffer for H. A. Wilkinson (493 B.S.A.), who rebounded into the audience.

Fay Taylour (499 Rudge) was outstandingly good, and received applause.

Followed Venetian delights, where competitors were required to swim, fly or crawl, through the swamp. The passage was provided with delightful uncertainty by the presence of unperceived holes, which were now and then discovered, with disastrous results.

Still more Heath—still very Camberley—lead to the finish, and then the whole thing had to be done again.

After which it was called a day, and people went home, very tired, very dirty and not a little damaged.

The Scott Trophy went to E. K. Langton (596 Scott), North ; Southern Cup to A. Jackson (499 Rudge), North ; Northern Cup to J. H. Amott (499 Rudge), South. Other premier awards were :—

” Two HUNDRED” CLIP.—D. McQueen (172 FrancisBarnett), N. “Two-FIFTY ” CUP.—J. Williams (246 New Imperial),

S. ” THREE-Flny ” CUP.—B. L. Hieatt (348 Cotton),

S. “Six HUNDRED “Cu.—G. B. Goodman (490 Norton),


” THOUSAND ” E. Permain (989 HarleyDavidson), S.

” VENUS ” CUP.—Fay Taylour (499 Rudge-Whitworth), S.

Novicts’ Cup.—R. G. Hieatt (348 A.J.S.), S.

MEMBERS’ CUP.—B. L. Heiatt (348 Cotton), S.

CAMBERLEY TRADE TEAM CUP.—Rudge-Whitworth team : Fay Taylour, S.; J. H. Amott, S.; Alec Jackson, N.

CAMBERLEY CLUB TEAM CUP.—Birmingham Club team : 0. B. Goodman (490 Norton), S. J. H. Amott (499 Rudge-Whitworth), S. ; Alec Jackson (499 RudgeWhitworth), N.