


results of the Stock Trial reflect great credit on the manufacturers who were confident enough to enter their productions in this classic event,

and it speaks well for the excellence and efficiency of modern motor-cycles when it is said that out of fifty-nine starters fifty-two gained Gold Medals and only two retired during the trial.

The 66o miles of course, prior to the high-speed test at Brooklands, were of such a nature as to submit the machines to severe strains and stresses, and the newlyintroduced lamp-tests were calculated to show up any defects in these accessories.

The roads chosen for the trial, while introducing most of the well-known Cotswold hills, did not include any definitely freak sections, although surfaces were rough, and over fifty hills were included with gradients steeper ‘than 1 in 7. The bad weather rendered the lanes greasy and tricky, while the machines became plastered with mud, without, however, suffering any serious defects.

The performances on hills were, on the whole, good, although one or two two-strokes were evidently still too new, and dried up accordingly.

In the 175 c.c class only one machine failed to gain a first-class award, this being a Francis-Barnett, driven by T. G. Meeten, who went off the course. The two other F.B’s. and three James’ all gained Golds.

In Class A for 250 c.c. machines only C. W. Okey, on a Dunelt, failed to gain his gold, owing to dropping 20 per cent, of his marks on various hills. Class B for 350 c.c. machines all achieved first-class awards except for 0. Wright (Humber) who retired on the Thursday with gear-box trouble. In this class, lighting defects were more prominent, and four machines lost marks in the brake test. Five entries lost nineteen marks between them in the final examination, the class

showing up badly in this respect. .

The 500 c.c. machines all secured first-class awards with the exception of Radnall’s Radco, which retired on the Saturday, having caught fire on the track. Only three out of the twenty-three machines in this class lost five marks between them in the Final Examination, which compares very favourably with the 350 c.c. class. Brakes were very good, and nineteen lighting sets were perfect.

Only four machines started in the 750 c.c. class. Two received Golds, one was excluded, having been involved in a crash, and one Douglas gained no award, having changed drivers during the trial. This machine lost no marks except II for deviation from schedule. The two Golds were also Douglases.

Class F was for side cars up to 600 c.c. and provided four entries. Perrey’s Arid l lost ix marks on schedule and received no award, the others—a Rudge, Douglas and a Triumph—all were awarded Golds, the Triumph having a clean sheet.

The r000 c.c. sidecars were represented by two entries, an A.J.S. and a B.S.A.; both lost no marks and received Golds.

Class K for two-seater cycle-cars also provided two entries—two Morgans. Both gained Golds, one having lost no marks, and the other five for stops on hills.

One outstanding feature of the results is that no machine lost marks for the speed test on the track, each class attaining the required average. Stoppages on hills were also very few, six machines only being penalised in this respect. It would, therefore, seem that mechanical efficiency is in a great measure achieved by modern machines, and that attention should be turned to such items as brakes—where nine entrants failed, lighting outfits—ten machines being at fault, and in minor details shown up in the final scrutiny, where twelve machines lost marks.

Roughly speaking, the two-strokes emerged very well from the trial, the class making the poorest show being the 350 c.c. class, fourteen four-strokes, who lost fiftythree marks between them.

Manufacturers have much to congratulate themselves upon, but there is still much to be done. Tyre trouble was too prevalent to be justified by the nature of the roads traversed. Plug trouble was rampant, and oil consumption was high. Mechanical noise is diminishing but still present, while exhaust noise in many cases still needs improvement.

Let us hope the factories will take well to heart the lessons learned in this trial, with the result that we may expect better motor-cycles at the Olympia Show of 1028.