

WE recently had the pleasure of inspecting the premises of Messrs. Wilson Motors, of 7, Eccleston Street, S.W.1, who have long been famous as the producers of the well known range of ” Burghley ” sports models on Austin 7 and Lea Francis chassis.

The business has recently undergone considerable enlargement, so that in addition to the already extensive showrooms and repair shops, the premises now include larger workshops with facilities for cellulose painting and garage accommodation for one hundred and fifty cars.

In these days the art of catering for all the requirements of the motorist has been brought to a very high pitch of perfection ; and there are many firms to be found in London which profess to offer every service which the motorist needs, and few which actually live up to that profession.

The service of Wilson Motors impressed us very greatly, and we have confidence in stating that they offer remarkable facilities for good service of all kinds to the motoring community. Experience, has an immense amount of influence on the character of a motor service ; and we would say that, though the firm has been established for ten years only, their two partners are both gentlemen with a lifetime of experience in motoring, and well known as experts on their subject. These partners (Mr. E. H. Stodart and Mr. A. C. B. Wilson) are both very keenly

interested in the business and in those it serves ; and with their personality always behind it the business is certain of giving the greatest satisfaction to the client. Indeed, it is the boast of the firm that they have never lost a client once they have done business with him.

The firm have a considerable number of agencies for the best British cars, and hold the London and district agencies for the Lea Francis, Austin, Bentley, Armstrong-Siddeley, Alvis and Hillman cars ; all of which may be seen at the showrooms in all their. models. The sales side of the business is very efficiently conducted, and, since the firm are in a position to supply any car which may be in demand, they can give the best benefit of their expert advice to all clients.

The ” Burghley” models are too well known to need any further description in ” MoToR SPORT,” but the firm have in their possession several letters from satisfied owners which prove that the weight distribution and general design of the body improve road holding to such an extent as to result in a definite increase in maximum speed, besides allowing faster cornering and higher averages.

The firm have recently introduced a new model in the form of a drop-head saloon on the Austin chassis, embodying many refinements not obtainable on any other Austin models ; these include attractive coachwork and upholstery, raked steering and additional sidelights on the front wings.