MONTHLY BULLETING The British Motor-Cycle Racing Club



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COLONEL F. LINDSAY LLOYD, C.M.G., C.B.E. to the Vice-President :

PROFESSOR A. M. LOW, D.Sc., A.C.G.I. Hon, Secretary: A. GEO, REYNOLDS, 95, Fillebrook Road, Leytonstone, E. 11

Under this heading will be reported from month to month the doings and features of the World’s Premier Racing Club.

THE opening Meeting of the Club took place on Saturday, March 20th, and was a conspicuous success.

Entries were exceedingly good, establishing a record number for the first meeting of the season. Ten races were held and, notwithstanding the intense cold wind that prevailed during the afternoon, some fine racing was witnessed.

The Silencer regulation caused some anxiety previous to the start of each race, but as members had made a special effort to carefully observe it, nothing untoward occurred. In fact, close investigation resulted in finding that there had been a considerable improvement in design, with the result that noise was “quite quiet” when taking into account the big fields of starters. * * * *

In the past, Scratch Races have generally been considered dull to the spectator, but now, with the inclusion of the Sealed Handicap in each event, the Races— well fought out to the last man—were full of surprises.

The Second Monthly Meeting, which takes place on Saturday, April -loth, will consist of Io Races (Handicaps and Scratch). The race for Experts, which is so popular and affords some fine racing, will again be included. The event of the day will be the 90 m.p.h. Handicap, confined to riders whose speed has been observed to be not less than lapping at 90 m.p.h. Such a race will be well worth seeing.

The regulations governing the 200 Miles Sidecar Races have now been made, and will consist of three separate races to be run concurrently for the Classes B/s not exceeding 350 c.c., P 600 c.c., G i,000 c.c. These races will be held on Saturday, May 15th, commencing at I p.m., and Members who contemplate entering should not delay as the number of entries is limited, owing to the arrangements for Lap-scoring and Timekeeping. Valuable Cups to the winners, and replicas of Cups or Medals will be awarded to the passengers. In addition to the Time Medals for riders who are not placed, Medals will also be awarded to their passengers,

The Time limits fixed for the Classes are generous and as follows :—Class B/s 350 c.c., 4 hours ; Class 600 c.c., 3 hours 30 minutes ; Class G L000 c.c., 3 hours ; equalling 50 m.p.h.., 57.14 m.p.h. and 66.66 m.p.h. respectively. The full regulations can be had on application to the Hon. Secretary. * * * *

Reverting to the question of Silencers, those Members in doubt should make their enquiries of the Hon. Secretary, who will be able to advise them.

A start has been made in establishing new Records for the official list. On Wednesday, March 24th last, Mr. Victor Horsman succeeded in putting up new figures for Class F (Motor Cycles and Sidecars) on his Triumph, 80.75 by 177 single cylinder, for the 50 miles at a speed of 78’22; roo kilometres 7826; and the One Hour covering a distance of 76 miles 1,130 yards. * * *

The Committee of the Club has decided that during the season a race approximately 50 miles will be arranged, on the lines of the J.C.C. 200 miles, i.e., to consist of a circuit embodying two or three turns. A suitable selection of the Brooklands circuit has yet to be agreed upon, but at the present moment it is thought that a course starting at the Fork, running right hand inside to the Railway straight, past the Railway start line, and turning to the right up the straight, instead of passing under the Members’ Bridge, to the fork at the time box, here turn left as far as the pond starting line, turn right about and back to the fork, and continuing as at the beginning. This should make a good circuit, suitable for both solo and passenger machines.

Has any Member a better choice of a circuit ; if so, let the Committee know ?

A very attractive card has been produced giving the Season’s Fixtures and all information regarding membership. It is a card suitable for hanging up, measuring 12 in. by 19i in., printed in two colours, with an effective picture illustrating the start of a handicap race. Members who can arrange for the display of these cards in prominent positions are asked to write for a supply and thus help to promote the publicity of the Club.