

The regulations for the Grand Prix of the Royal Automobile Club, which will take place at Brooklands on August Bank Holiday next, have now been issued. This race forms one of the series of five international races which comprise the Championship of the World, the remainder being the Grand Prix d’Europe (to be held in Spain), Grand Prix de France, Indianapolis ” 500,” and Grand Prix d’Italie. This is the first Grand Prix race ever held in this country. The race will be over a distance of 300 miles, consisting of a suitable number of laps of selected portions of Brooklands Track in which certain special bends or turns will be introduced. The race is open to cars with a maximum capacity of 1,500 c.c. No passengers or mechanics will be carried. Practice will be permitted over the course for six days prior to the race. One change of driver will be allowed during the race, spare drivers having been previously notified to the stewards

and approved by them. The winner will receive a prize of &,000, the second 1:300 and the third £200, presented by the Royal Automobile Club.

For the first time in the history of automobilism Great Britain has received the sanction of the International Association to run a race within its own shores comparable with the historic events which are carried out in America and on the Continent. The limitations imposed by the law have hitherto precluded any idea of holding such a race here, but the increase in track racing all over the world has undoubtedly induced the International Association to agree to the suggestion of the Royal Automobile Club that a Grand Prix could be run at Brooklands with complete success. The introduction of curves or bends into the course will give the event much of the excitement and interest attaching to a road race, and will largely add to its value as a test of every part of the car.