

and 50 he lost sight of us immediately we started off each time. We are anticipating a claim for damages from the said photographer as we noticed that towards the end of the run the tappet rods of his machine were rather inclined to drop out through over furious driving, and we believe we noticed that one of his exhaust pipes was missing at the end of the journey,

The T.T. Panther evidently revels in maintaining a high speed, and no signs of overheating were at any time shown, in fact the machine does not run really sweetly in top until one is round the 50 mark, at about 65 the T.T. Panther appears in its element and a silken feeling of smooth running is experienced.

In conclusion we would say that we are inclined to consider the T.T. Panther an almost ideal machine for the really sporting motor-cyclist, who desires a speedy, reliable and easily controlled mount.

We understand that the cash price is 05, and that a specially tuned mount can be supplied, if desired, with a tested Brooklands speed certificate of 85 m.p.h. at an extra charge of only £7 ios.

The new London offices of Phelon & Moore, Ltd., are situated at 77, Mortimer Street, W. I.