

Good Displays by Amateur Car and Motor Cycle Competitors at Henley Park.

THE organisers of this event, which is perhaps the premier amateur motoring event held in this country, were doubly fortunate this year, first in obtaining the use of an excellent course on private ground at a time when such courses are practically unknown, and secondly, being favoured with admirable weather. The hill was about 600 yards in length, commencing with several ” fast ” bends and concluding with an awkward right hand bend with a loose surface and reverse camber. This bend necessitated the reduction of speed to about 25-30 m.p.h. on the part of the competitors.

The solo classes were run first and provided few thrills for the spectators ; C. Aschan (349 A. J.S.) (Cantab.) skickled to a standstill on the bad corner, while C. A. C. Birkin (349 McEvoy) (Cantab.) completely failed to negotiate the bend and hurtled on to the grass at a point where the iron railings had fortunately been removed for safety. On his first run R. C. Symondson (980 Brough-Superior) made fastest time of the day for Cambridge, although his time was nearly approached by R. P. H. Stables, also Cambridge, on a rather special Scott, machines of the latter make showing up to advantage on the tricky course. Symondson failed to better his time on his second run as he accidentally stopped his engine on the last corner and coasted to a standstill with gestures of impotent fury. Although not figuring in the results, several riders performed quite well, and deserved better luck, among these being A. Shortus (348 Cotton) (Cantab.) ; C. Gault (P. & M. Panther). (Oxford), and L. H. Preston (98o BroughSuperior) (Oxford). The only other events of interest among the solo climbs were when L. I. Leslie (Scott) (Cambridge), J. R. Simpson (348 New Gerrard) (Cambridge) and L. H. Preston (Norton) (Oxford), although fast, trailed their feet in a most unprofessional manner on the top corner, and when the acceleration of his wonderful 249 c.c. side-valve New Imperial J.A.P. surprised E. C. Fernihough to such an extent that he bit the dust shortly after the starting line. The lastnamed rider performed well in the side-car classes on a 490 c.c. o.h.v. Morgan J.A.P., his cornering on the right hand bend being quite spectacular, though not quite so hectic as his team mate R. R. Jackson on a 1,075 c.c. Morgan-Blackbume. Other good side-car climbs were made by F. E. Buckland (Norton) (Oxford) and A. Pershouse (596 Scott) (Cambridge). A. Shortus (348 Cotton) would

have made a good time, but a roving and destructive instinct was his undoing ; he failed to shut off for the bad corner and tore on to the grass, hitting on the way (I) a warning notice ; (2) a tree ; and (3) a fence ; to his credit, however, we must admit that he avoided (r) a gatepost ; (2) about roo people ; (3) a car parked by the side of the course. The damage was confined to the side-car chassis and wheel only. Altogether a very lucky escape.

The cars were far more spectacular on the bad corner, the star performers in this respect being A. McLachlan (Oxon), on an apparently standard chummy Austin 7 which, however, progressed at a decidedly unstanda.rd speed. R. Millais (Cambridge) (A.C.) and Bagshawe (Oxford) (Senechal and Frazer Nash) both of whom burst tyres and mounted the grass. These tactics, however, did not altogether pay, as several of the “place “-men in F. E. Buckland (Amilcar), Byrom (Brooklands Austin Seven) and the other Frazer Nashes, were very steady on the corner.

The persevering Preston at last came into his own in the unlimited car class on an ancient chain driven Bugatti, being only beaten by H. C. Martineau (Cambridge) on a 30-98 Vauxhall by a very small margin. Both drivers were refreshingly lurid on the corner.

At the conclusion of the event, the cup was presented to the winners, Cambridge, by Capt. Hamilton, to whom the clubs are indebted for the use of the road. Results :—


350 c.c.-1, C. Aschan (349 A.J.S.) ; 2, C. A. C. Birkin (348 McEvoy) ; 3, M. Radford (344 H.R.D.).

500 c.c.-1, R. P. H. Stables (498 Scott) ; 2, D. McLennan (490 H.R.D.) ; 3. M. Mavrogordato (498 Scott).


x, R. C. S. Symondson (980 Brough-Superior) ; 2, R. P. H. Stables (498 Scott) ; 3, C. (349 A.J.S.).


600 c.c. x, E. C. Femihough (490 Morgan J.A.P.) ; 2, F. E. Buckland (490 Norton) ; 3, A. Pershouse (596 Scott).

UNLIMITED.—I, R. R. Jackson (1,075 Morgau-Blackburne) C.; 2, E. C. Fernihough (490 Morgan J.A.P.) C.; 3, L. H. Preston (980 Brough-Superior) 0.


c.c.–x, B. L. Byrom (Austin 7) C.; 2, F. E. Buckland (Amilcar) 0.; 3, A. McLachlan (Austin 7) 0.

z,500 c.c.-1, H. B. Swami (Frazer Nash) 0; 2, R. R. Jackson (Frazer Nash) C.; 3, B. L. Byrom (Austin 7) C. UNLIMITED.—I, H. C. Martineau (Vauxhall) C.; 2, L. H. Preston (Bugatti) 0.; 3, G. B. Legge (Vauxhall) 0.

Points : Cambridge 57. Oxford x8.


Capt. A. W. Phillips, well known in connection with the A.C.U., has taken over the position of manager to the new Motor Cycle Section of the Royal Automobile Club, which has been organised to offer various advantages to motor cyclists. Capt. Phillips’ new duties will not prevent his attendance at Brooklands and elsewhere in connection with A.C.U. events, and his new appointment will doubtless prove of great value to readers who join the new section of the R.A.C.


Bentley Motors, Limited, have recently gone into voluntary liquidation, on the formation of a new company to take over the business of the concern and the introduction of fresh capital. Capt, Woolf Barnato, who is well-known as a Bentley enthusiast, is the chairman of the new company. We understand that the voluntary liquidation is merely a business arrangement and that the company is steadily growing and prospering.