

pinion. The drive from the gear box to the rear axle is by an exposed ca.rdan shaft with Hardy fabric couplings at either end.

On the latest model which we tested, fourwheel brakes were fitted, these being particularly powerful and effective, no matter how they were applied. The independent hand brake acts on the transmission and though powerful in action is more suited for emergency purposes than for regular use. A transverse spring with double radius rods is used for the suspension of the front axle, and double quarter elliptic springs are used for the rear axle. Owing to the special design of the rear suspension, no strain is imposed either on the flexible joints or spring anchorages

and the action of the suspension system is further improved by the adoption of Hartford shock absorbers which are fitted as standard.

The chassis has a wheel base of 8 ft. 2 in., with a 3 ft. 6 in. track and the weight of the complete vehicle ready for the road is 1,200 lbs.

A very full equipment is provided, including a self starter, a six volt lighting set, clock, speedometer, hood, tools, pump, jack, and Englebert tyres, the price being 240, four-wheel brakes being an extra costing &5. Altogether the Senech al is a most attractive little sports model, and one that deserves attention of those who are interested in small speedy machines, capable of high performance and durability.


The annual Scottish Six Days’ Trial organised by the Edinburgh and District Motor Club, will be held from June 28th to July 3rd. Full particulars can be obtained from the Trials Secretary, Mr. A. Allan Hay, 6, Castle Terrace, Edinburgh.


Two Eldridge racing cars have been entered for the annual 500 mile race at Indianapolis to be held on May 31st. France will be represented by three Schmid Specials, which have six-cylinder sleeve-valve engines. A Miller front-wheel drive to be driven by Dave Lewis also figures in the list of entries.


After extensive repairs during the closed season the Brooklands Track is now in excellent condition and certain alterations have been made to give a better view of the racing for members of the general public. Portions of the enclosures at each side of the finishing straight have been raised with this object, and the car park at the members’ entrance has been considerably enlarged and will be available for non-members’ cars.


On March 15th, Ortmans, an amateur driver, at the wheel of an eight-cylinder Panhard-Levassor, covered one hundred kilometres in 29 minutes 44 7-Tooth secs., which is equivalent to a speed of 125.38 m.p.h. and constitutes a record.

On the same day, C. F. Temple, riding a 996 c.c. O.E.C. Temple motor cycle and sidecar, substantially improved on the times for all records from 5 kilometres to io miles, both standing and flying starts.

These records were previously held by J. S. Wright at Brooklands on a 976 c.c. Zenith-J.A.P. Temple’s speeds were as follows:

On March i9tb, Garfield and Plessier, driving the 45 h.p. Renault, broke the world’s records for 500 kilometres and 3 hours at a speed of 110.84 m.p.h. During the attempt the big Renault covered a lap at 120.25 m.p.h.