Round the Clubs, April 1925


Round the Clubs

WATERLOO & DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB. Members Half-day Sporting Reliability Trial. ‘

THIS ‘ event, over a course of approximately 47 miles, took ;place on February 22nd, the start being

made from the Nag’s ‘Head Hotel, Thornton, and out of the 27 entries 22 competitors were despatched at minute intervals, the first man being sent off at 2 o’clock, during which time the sun shone brilliantly, and continued thus for the rest of the Trial.

For the first mile from the start the competitors had difficulty in keeping their machines in an upright position, owing to the treacherous surface. J. McGowan (348 Matador) and W. Turner (499 Triumph) made the best show, and the spectators at this section of the course were well entertained, and enjoyed the antics of the competitors. The next mile and a half was along the main road, and led up to an unexpected secret check at Sefton Church, which caught all but five of the more cautious riders unawares. The Colonial sections were mainly responsible for late arrivals, some of whom were as late as II minutes in 21miles. For the next 18 miles no further difficulty was experienced, but when Hunter’s Hill (observed) was reached, the tables were turned, for out of 22 riders only seven managed to climb to the top without failing, and even these were penalised for footing. At this point the surface was very loose, with a gradient of approximately one in seven. When nearing the top K. Corfe made a very spectacular skid and fell, his machine being hardly to be seen for smoke. Near the top there was a patch of thick greasy clay, and this was responsible for a great deal of wheel spin.

D. Newton (490 Norton), whose machine was much too heavy for him, fell, leaving him standing on his feet at this point. T. Tait (35o Raleigh) burnt out his clutch, and retired. From the hill the course was continued along main roads to Rufford Village, where there was an open check, many arriving very late, due, no doubt, to the time lost on climbing the observed hill. The road continued through Burscough and Ormskirk to Altcar, where another open check was encountered, and where E. Heptonstall (490 Triumph) failed to check-in.

From this point more Colonial sections had to be covered, and proved to be the worst on the course, where the deep mire was the cause of G. Emsley’s (249 Excelsior) retirement with a jammed clutch and that of F. Williams (349 New Scale), who bent his handlebars and concertinad his exhaust pipe. The most notable performance on this section was W. Turner’s (499 Triumph), who treated it with contempt, and rode very steadily, but the rest were quite content in skidding along.

Some 200 spectators had gathered at the finish to cheer in the finishers, who were thoroughly plastered with mud, but still managed to smile and say how they had enjoyed themselves. All were unanimous that the course was very well selected and marked, and the organisation was a huge success for the Club. The following were successful in completing the course and checking in within time :

A. Shipton (348 Raleigh), W. McCabe (348 Cotton), J. B. Wilson (348 Cotton), D. Newton (490 Norton), H. M. Chipchase (5/6 Sunbeam), L. Myerscough (347 Rudge), K. Code (499 Rover), A. J. Sullivan (349 A. J.S.), F. Stevens (349 A. J.S.), W. Turner (499 Triumph), N. Lewis (349 A. J.S.), L. Burkes (349 A. J.S.), J. Cunningham (348 Cotton), and J. McGowan (348 Matador). The following checked in at the finish, but were disqualified for leaving the course :—

J. Eaves (348 B.S.A.), S. Addicott (348 Raleigh), and E. Donnahey (346 New Hudson).

Those interested who wish to join the Club should communicate with the Hon. Secretary : F. J. Barbour, 6, Sycamore Road, Waterloo.


Keston Ponds was veritably “Olympia with the roof off” on Sunday, March 1st. The West Kent

Motor Club had gathered in force to the Annual Rally, which was very successful, there being a much better show of machines and ” traps ” than weather, the latter being cold and cloudy. In fact the only sunbeams to be seen were on two wheels. In all, eighty machines were lined up—two-strokes, sporting “350,” more sporting “500,” and one or two

super-eights ; many new 1925 models were in evidence, the Sunbeams taking the lead in this respect ; the Norton and A. J.S. contingents were good. One or two prominent racing members were present from whom we expect to see great things on the track this year—D. F. C. Fitzgerald on his highl-geared and polished Zenith, also ” Alf ” Williams and A. Crossland, the Sunbeam exponents. Rumour was rife that burglars

were about Bromley at the time. Apparently this rumour was unfounded ; but the number of the” Force” present made it a matter of conjecture.

In the afternoon the Club had a Social Run to Country Headquarters, Dean’s Café, Tonbridge, for tea, which was not under water. They have, unfortunately, been catching the floods rather badly, having had the floor six inches under water twice this winter.

The first Brooklands race meeting is arranged for April 4th. Enquiries to the Hon. Sec. : Mr. F. Wilson Smith, 32, Hammelton Road, Bromley, Kent.


A good number of the West Kent Motor Club turned out on Sunday, March 8th, for the impromptu ” Hill Climb” at Rooks Hill, which runs parallel to River Hill on the east side. The hill has a greasy surface, with many holes and boulders, with a stiff gradient at the top. Although it was a social run, with the option of climbing ” Rooks” or making a long detour to the top, all chose the rough road, and it evidently puzzled a few. The outstanding performance was that of Mr. Blackman, who, on his ” old ” combination Raleigh, surprised the spectators, although Crossland’s Matchless combination climbed well considering its weight.

The S.S. 100 Brough Superior proved too heavy for its rider, who had difficulty in keeping upright, but the lighter machines, like the Sunbeam and Triumph, made easy work of the hill. Trouble was experienced by two A. J.S. riders, who burnt out their clutches. When the “also ran” competitors had been pushed up, the Club partook of lunch at the Summit, amid sunshine and snow.


The 1925 Season has so far been a marked success. Two runs were held on March 1st and 8th to Amersham and Welwyn respectively, and both were very well supported. The fixture-lists will now very shortly be ready, and

a line to the Secretary will bring you full particulars of the” Something-every-week-Club.” A sporting event is to be held monthly, and already several nice cups have been presented. The first sporting event will be a Reliability Trial over about a 40 mile course in the Wheathampstead district, and the prizes will be : First … … Gold Medal Second … … Silver Medal Third … … Bronze Medal The entrance fee for this trial is to be 2S. 6d., and is only open to members of the Club. Will interested persons please note the change of Secretary. The Secretary is now :— J. W. RICKARDS,

12, Spring Street, Paddington, W.2, to whom all enquiries and communications should in future be addressed.


The famous Welsh 24 Hour Regularity and Reliability Trial, organised by the Liverpool Motor Club, will this year be held on April 3rd and 4th over a course of about 370 miles, mostly in Wales, but with the start and finish at Birkenhead. Competitors will be divided into two classes, viz. : — (a) Motor Cycles—solo and sidecar machines and three-wheelers—open to members of the Liverpool M.C., Cheshire Centre A.C.U., Colwyn Bay M.C.C., and the Southport M.C. (under the Closed Competition Rules, Standing and Special Supplementary Regulations of the Liverpool Motor Club) ; and (b) Cars—open to members of the Liverpool M.C., Cheshire Centre A.C., J.C.C. (Liverpool and North Wales Centre), Lancashire A.C., and the Manchester A.C. (under the Closed Competition Rules of the R.A.C. and the Standing and Special Supplementary Regulations of the Liverpool Motor Club.) The awards are as follows :

First prize, value &5 ; second, value iro ; third, value £5; the “Daily Courier,” Bartley, Timson and Royle Challenge Cups ; a special Team Prize (no competitor to take more than one award) ; gold medals to all competitors obtaining 95 marks, silver medals for 90 marks, bronze medals for 8o marks, and a certificate of merit for completing the course.

This event is fast becoming a classic, the entries are increasing each year ; well over roo are anticipated this season, and the award list remains attractive.

Entry fees—to March 30th for Classes A. and B; late entry fees to April 2nd for Classes A. and B.—and requests for particulars should be sent to the Hon. Secretary of the Meeting, A. Cocks, Esq., 9, Commutation Row, Liverpool.

Hon. Secretary : L. H. Lumby, ro, Seaton Road, Wallasey.

Hon. Press Secretary : J. J. Green, Junr., 6, Bentley Road, Oxton, Birkenhead.


On February ioth a very successful Social was held at the Alexandra Palace, and a large number of members and friends were present. The organisation of this event was in the capable hands of the lady members of the Club, ably led by Miss M. Baxter. The dances were interspersed with various novel competitions, for which many prizes were offered, and which were supported with great enthusiasm. The dancing accommodation and catering arrangements were really excellent, and contributed in no small measure in making the evening one of the jolliest in Club history.

A large muster of members and guests attended the opening event of the Season—a run to Letchworth. Perfect weather, an excellent tea at the Letchworth Hall Hotel, followed by an impromptu musical programme, all contributed to an enjoyable afternoon.

The outward route was via Hatfield, Welwyn and Stevenage, and the return via Hitchin, Codicote and Hatfield. A good number of non-members who responded to the Club’s open invitation have signified their intention of becoming members.

On Saturday, March 7th, a Find-your-way Competition was held. The start was from Totteridge Green, and competitors received slips bearing the name of a certain place which they were to find without the aid of maps. The first check was at Ridge Church, whence competitors were sent to Hill End Station. The last check was comparatively easy, being the Red Lion Hotel, Radlett. The winner was the competitor who arrived at the final check in possession of all three slips, and whose average speed was the nearest to 20 m.p.h. This proved to be J. Hawkins (Matchless Sc.), whose time error was 15 seconds only.

On Saturday, April 4th, an Invitation Trial, open to members of the North-West London M.C.C. and Enfield M.C.C., will be run by this Club, starting from the Red Lion Hotel, Hatfield, over a course of approximately 8o miles, which must be covered non-stop. The Invitation Cup has been presented by three members of the North London M.C.C., and is to be won outright. ‘Me Staley Cup will be awarded for the best performance by a member of the North London M.C.C. In addition to these trophies, the usual medals will be awarded. Entries, accompanied by the entry fee of 5 /-, should reach the Hon. Trials Organiser, E. J. Davies, “Clydesdale,” Rowantree Road, Enfield, not later than March 30th.

In addition to a very large and live motor cycle membership, the North London M.C.C. has a very strong car section, and particulars of membership may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, Mr. Alan W. Day, “Claremont,” Ballards Lane, Finchley, N.3.

MIDDLESEX COUNTY A.C. The following events have been arranged by the Committee of the above-named Club :—

Sat., April 4. Open Run and Speed Judging Competition.

„ 25. Running the Gauntlet Competition.

May 9. Efficiency Trial.

• „ 23. Hill Climbing Competition.

„ June 13. Crippled Children’s Outing. „ 27. Gymkhana. It

Sat. & Sun. zoo Miles Reliability Trial to Cheltenham.

July 11 & 12.

Sat., July 25. Visit to Early British Remains near London.



Mar. 21. Speed Trial.

April z8. Race Meeting.

May 16. Race Meeting. „ 24. Reliability Trial. “Naylor-Leyland ” Cup. (12-Hour Trial, cars and motor cycles.)


PROGRAMME. April zoth (Good Friday) … Run to York Club’s Sutton

Bank Hill Climb.

April z3th (Easter Monday) … Hill Climb at Staxton.

April 27th-May 2nd … … Stock Machine Trial.

May zoth (Sunday) … Handicap Trial.

May 31st (Whit Sunday) Spring Reliability Trial. June zst (Whit Monday) Run to Bradford M.C. and

L.C.C. Rosedale Hill Climb.

NORTH LONDON MOTOR CYCLING CLUB. April 4. Half-day Invitation Trial.

„ to. Run to Skipton.

„ 25. Half-day Trial for Harveyson Cup and Club Cup.


Results of the Roughriders’ Trophy Trial, March 8Ih, 1925.

J. D. Smithie (31 Sunbeam) covered the course in the shortest time, thus scoring roo marks. Holds the Rimmer Trophy for 12 months and wins the 50o c.c. Class Prize (tin of Adcol).

E. W. Hodge (3 Sunbeam) scores 96 marks. Receives First Class Club Award.

W. Brocklebank (3i Sunbeam) scores 95 marks. Receives First Class Club Award.

E. Mainwaring (4 Scott) scores 61 marks. Wins the Unlimited Class Prize (tin of Adcol).

R. B. Talbot (21 Ivy) scores 54 marks. Wins the 350 c.c. Class Prize (tin of Adcol).