

I am writing to ask your opinion of the Salmson Standard Car as to its lasting qualities for hard wear, as I am thinking of purchasing one.

With regard to your query as to whether your published reports of road tests of various cars are useful or not, I may state that I believe in the case of my friends and many other people they are of extreme interest and use, and it would be a pity to drop them.

Is there any English Sports car that can be compared in. price and general performance with the Salmson ? I know of none, yet there ought to be a big market for a car of this type, as I am sure there are lots of fellows of my own age (20) who cannot pay 00 or so, yet want something sporty that can be used for general purposes and can do 6o miles on the road.

Thanking you in anticipation. Yours faithfully,

HARRY E. COSTON. Southampton. [In reply to your query with reference to the Salomon, is a very sturdy little machine, and can be thoroughly to stand up to hard wear. We have heard good accounts from some of our readers who own and cannot speak too highly of their performance. closest approach to the Salmson in this country is the “Seven,” an account of which appeared in our issue. Trusting that this information will be service.—EmoR.1