
r i (IilMsAecon de irs1 cyreach [Price /4 nal 10/6 per annum tosifee )nian tplolor and Motor Orle SpoiL No. 10. PROPRIETORS VOL. 1. RADCLYFFE’S • 65 VICTORIA ST. LONDON • S.W•1 7e/phone Wciorta 9545 Edited by RICHARD TWELVETREF.S, A. M. I. MECH. E., M. S. A. E., M. SOC. ING. CIV. (France) APRIL, 1925.


PAGE Editorial Notes … 363 Supercharging in Theory and Practice. By H . HAGENs 364-367 Sporting Cars on Road and Track : The Super-sports ” Alvis ” 368-371 Motoring Sportsmen : J. G. Parry Thomas… 372-373 The Colmore Cup Trial 374-375 The B.M.C.R.C. Meeting 376-377 Recent Motor Car and Motor Cycle Events (Illustrations) 378-379 The Inter-University Hill Climb … … 380 Making a Book at Brooklands. By “LONG TOM” 381-382 The Story of ” Mephistopholes.” By Capt. J. F. DUFF 384-385 The Southern Scott Scramble. By ARNOLD RADCLVFFE 386-387 A New Process for Car Painting … 388 Correspondence • • • 391 • • .392,395-396 • • • Round the Clubs


All contributions, whether literary, artistic or photographic, will be carefully considered by the Editor. A stamped, addressed envelope should be sent with every contribution, and the Editor will endeavour to return all matter he is unable to accept. Neither the Editor nor the proprietors are responsible for the loss of any contributions.


Club Secretaries are specially invited to send the Editor paragraphs about the activities of their Clubs, and, in particular, notice of forthcoming events. All reports of competitions, meetings and other events should be sent to the Editor as early as possible, and must be received by the 20th of the month, to ensure attention for the next issue. Address contributions to : The Editor, THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE, 65. Victoria Street, London. S.W. I.

Editorial Notes.

Being in the right concerning the Rules of the Road does not always protect a driver from risks of accident, a fact which is admirably explained on a sign-board between New York and Boston, on the Boston post-road. The sign reads as follows :— ” Here lies the body of Edward Grey,

Who died defending his right of way.

He was right—dead right—as he sped along ; But he’s just as dead as if he’d been wrong.”

The interest aroused by such startling events as the Camberley Club’s Scott Scramble, the Victory and Colmore Cup Trials, generally results in a good deal of comment as to their real value to the private individual who intends to take up motor cycling for business or pleasure purposes.

One must realise, however, that such events are promoted chiefly in the interest of the sporting motorist, and if he is willing to risk a few tumbles or minor damage to his machine this is part of the price he pays for his fun.

We surely have enough ordinary trials and reliability tests ; but because some of us like attempting the seemingly impossible on our machines this mild amusement should not be used to decry motor cycling generally.

No one would suggest that sporting motorists are any better or any worse than the body of automobile users with regard to infringements of our antiquated speed regulations ; but there is no doubt that if two cars— say a 50 h.p. limousine and a ro h.p. sports two-seater— both travel at 50 m.p.h. along a clear straight road, the police usually underestimate the speed of the former and haul the sports driver either for dangerous driving or for exceeding the speed limit.

Some day we may have these road regulations brought up to date, but in the meantime sports drivers would be well advised to avoid becoming too conspicuous when travelling through certain localities over which the spirit of sport has no particular sway.