THE STORY OF "MEPHISTOPHOLES." How Mr. E.A.D. Eldridge's "Fiat" became Famous.



” MEPHISTOPHOLES.” How Mr. E. A. D. Eldridge’s ” Fiat “

became Famous.

By Capt. J. F. DUFF.

PROBABLY the records of motor racing reveal no

more romantic story than that of the famous six-cylinder Fiat now ownecrand raced by Mr. E. A. D. Eldridge, of whiclia brief resume is given in the following notes.

As far back as the year 1908 this car was brought over from Italy by Felix Nazzaro for a match against Mr. S. F. Edge’s Napier “Samson,” and racing enthusiasts will recollect the great event at Brooklands between the two cars, which the Fiat not only won, but set up a new record with an average speed of 121.64 miles per hour for a lap.

After this, and other successful appearances on the track in this country, ” Mephistopholes,” the name by which the Fiat became known, disappeared, and no trace could be found of it until the year 1921, when I discovered it in a suburban garage, where it lay in a very much damaged condition, and purchased the remains of the chassis for the modest sum of roo. Setting to work on the chassis, I then proceeded to get it back into racing trim, and went to the post for the International Championship at ranoe, Denmark, in