An Ariel Success in Italy.


An Ariel Success in Italy.

In the champion motor cycle race held at Pisa recently, Benelli Nollo won the 350 C.C. class on an Ariel and made the fastest time. An Ariel also won the 5oo c.c. sidecar class, the rider being I. Libretti.

The 250 Miles Race at Culver City.

The 250 Miles Race, which took place on March 1st at the new track in Culver City, Los Angeles, was won by Tommy Milton, who covered the distance in a Miller car at an average speed of 126.75 m.p.h. The second, third and fourth places were gained by de Paolo, MacDonald and Eddie Hartz respectively.

Well-known Italian Motor Cycle Racers to Ride P. & P. Machines.

We learn that Tonelli and Orsoni, the well-known riders, will be riding “P. & P.” machines in the Italian races during the 1925 season. It will be recalled that Orsoni won the Milan Championship, in the 350 c.c. class, last September.

Messrs. Packman & Poppe, Ltd., by the way, are now completely installed in their new premises at 37, Ford Street, Coventry.

Full particulars of the new models can be obtained on application to the above address.