

A number of interesting points in connection:with:the forthcoming T.T. Races were settled by the Competition Committee of the A.C.U. at its last meeting. The qualifying lap times for each race were fixed as follows :

New Time. Old Time.

Senior 45 min. 50 min. Junior … 50 •• 66 „

Lightweight… … 55 ,. 70 .

Ultra-Lightweight … 70 ,. 75 Sidecar … 65 „ „

The new times, therefore, call for a better time in the qualifying lap for every event save the Sidecar Race, where five minutes longer is allowed this year, the object of the latter being to give the 350 c.c. combinations the fairest possible treatment.

In previous years the A.C.U. has made it a rule that every rider shall be insured for ii,000 against personal accidents, and for £10,000 against third party claims. This year the Union proposes to relieve entrants of the cost of the third party insurance by including it gratis in the entry fee. The regulation relating to personal accident insurance stands as before, and the A.C.U. wishes it to be known that it has been able to secure a favourable rate to cover this risk. Ever since Eric Williams won the Junior Race in 1920 by pushing in from Craig-na-Baa, it has been an arguable point as to whether competitors were really entitled to push their machines in so as to finish. The Competitions Committee have now dealt with the point, and this year’s regulations will contain the following :—

” During a race a motor cycle shall not acquire any velocity other than that from its own motive power, the muscular efforts of its driver, and/or gravity.”

The Committee also, after hearing various arguments, affirmed its previous decision to fix the maximum unladen weight for machines in the Ultra-Lightweight Race at 150 lbs.

A Remarkable Crash at Culver City.